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Aug 18, 2012

Cathy C.

I've quite a lot of acne on my face.. :(
Does anyone have a trick to reduce it? :/

Aug 18, 2012

Yesenia P.

I just started the regime. Everyone on YouTube raves about it. It has made my skin super dry, but everyone says that's one of the side effects of the Benzoyl Peroxide. I stopped for a bit and ordered the jojoba oil to put in my moisturizer because I hear it works wonders. So I'll continue to try the regime soon. Because the first few weeks I started, my skin looked so much better!!

Aug 18, 2012

Hannah M.

I had (and still kinda do) a lot, too, it's horrible I know. I'm not sure what foods you eat, but I eliminated wheat and limited myself to how much processed sugar (aka junk food) and dairy products. It's made such a huge difference. If this is too extreme for you (it's worked for me because my whole family made the switch) just try to eat lots of fruits, veggies, and try not to eat a lot of processed foods. Good luck and it does get better. :)

Aug 19, 2012

Cathy C.

Thanks for the tips! @Hannah well I don't eat very much processed food.. But everything I do eat, goes straight to my face :/

Aug 19, 2012

Shelly T.

Oil Cleansing Method, perhaps? It may seem counterproductive, but I know there are those who swear by it.

Aug 20, 2012

Shelley W.

@Shelly T. I've added a cleansing oil into my cleansing rotation and it actually has helped my skin in regards to the minor breakouts I was getting. The key is to avoid those with mineral oil. And its great at removing eye make-up without stinging. 

Aug 20, 2012

Yvette L.

I had moderate to sever(at times) acne on my face along with hyperpigmentation. I switched to organic and natural face products, started working out regularly, cut out most refined sugar and that has helped tremendously. I also picked up this Epsom salts routine nightly in that i dissolve some epsom salts in water and rinse it over my face after i use a cleanser/efoliate. The epsom salts has helped keep white/blackheads and pimples at bay...i havent even had to wear foundation since i started this regimen.

Jun 30, 2013

Carabelle R.

Looking for ways to get rid of acne! Try this DIY home remedy! 100% organic, fit for all skin types! Find it in my photo gallery! Do check it out if you wish to!

Adios Acne♡Mask of sweetness

Hope I helped♡
xo Carabelle