How Do I Get Rid Of Black Heads And Acne Please Help!!!


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Aug 13, 2012

Reem A.

I have oily skin and i started getting acne but im not sure what to use please help me!

Aug 14, 2012

Shelley W.

Try a glycolic acid..either as a serum or in a moisturizer. Cane+Austin makes a good one (its pads soaked in glycolic acid) and Peter Thomas Roth has a 10% gel serum. What is your current skincare program?

Aug 14, 2012

Valerie H.

Go to your dermatologist and find out if an over the counter wash will do it. If you have inflammatory acne, meaning it derives from stress, hormones, lack of vitamins, or unbalanced diet, you'll need something more powerful like a prescribed topical treatment or medication.

Aug 14, 2012

Stacie B.

If you have oily skin I would use cetaphil it's great for oily skin because it doesn't dry it out but takes the oil away and also immediately gets rid of acne. About 2 months ago I got realllllly bad ance and I started washing my face two times a day making sure I got ALL of my makeup off because this hot weather and sweating doesn't help your pores. You don't need to spend a lot of money on products. You just need to get a daily skin are routine and stick too it!:)

I think using a great clay mask will help. sit in the bathroom with the hot water on to get your pores soft and open them up... then apply the clay mask.. they're great for pulling out all the impurities in the skin. Also, using a good cleanser and toner helps out a lot! 

Jun 30, 2013

Carabelle R.

Looking for ways to get rid of acne! Try this DIY home remedy! 100% organic, fit for all skin types! Find it in my photo gallery! Do check it out if you wish to!

Adios Acne♡Mask of sweetness

Hope I helped♡
xo Carabelle

To rid blackheads, just apply toothpaste. Yes, suitable for oily skin.(: