What Can I Use Overnight On Spots/Pimples.


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Sep 23, 2013

Yolande P.

What can I put on them over night to take away redness and heal then down I tried vapour rub it wasnt vicks and it took away redness really well and unblocked my nose but it gave me little white heads in creased areas of my face,did I apply too much? but do you have any home remedies or stuff I might find at home to use overnight I have a cleanser which I heard helps,even if not overnight because I have a few hours before bed,but all suggestions are good.sorry for all the skin questions teenage skin dramas lol.

Sep 23, 2013

Jenna E.

Split open a gel advil/Tylenol and put the gel on the pimple!

Sep 23, 2013

Lauren B.

Neutrogenas spot treatment works really well or if you want to get rid of it overnight or make it less red, before you go to bed take a Q-tip and heat it up with hot water and put the tea tree oil on it and hold it there for a few minutes then go to bed when you wake up if its still there take a piece of ice to take away the redness and reduce the swelling