I hate my skin so much.


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Sep 22, 2013

Barbora S.

I'm taking really good care about my skin: firstly in the morning I use cleaning gel, than lotion and finally cream- after this all I put on my makeup. In the evening I take all my makeup off, than the same procedure as in the morning. I use a facial mask and face strips (on T-zone- nose,chin,forehead) every two days. I take pills called 'Acneon' to help me get rid off this. Every girl in my class has cler skin without even trying. I wanna have a clear skin so badly. I cannot even touch my skin how bad it hurts. I'm 14years old girl and have acne since 10. Will this ever end? This is my photo, sorry for my face 😕

Sep 22, 2013

Amanda F.

You should try doing like a laser thing on it I'm not sure but ask your doctor!

Sep 22, 2013

Katherine T.

Mines the same way. Try some other products and find the one that's for you, I suggest the Clinique 3 step system and Biore complexion clearing set. Then get the tea tree oil concealer and there skincare line is great too. (The Body Shop) and they have some other stuff that helps. I'm 13 too and my face looks just like yours.

Sep 22, 2013

Monet R.

Don't wear makeup on the weekends to let your skin breath. Also. Make sure the creams and lotions you're using aren't clogging your pores.

Sep 22, 2013

Ammara L.

I think you should consult your doctor. may be its because of hormonal problem.

Sep 22, 2013

Miffi M.

Best go to a doctor. He can analyze your skin and offer you the best treatment. All these products you use probably aggravate your skin and make your condition even worse. Best go to a dermatologist. He'll know what to do.

Sep 22, 2013

Tiggs H.

Trust me, it really doesn't look that bad! I would suggest going to a dermatologist see what they recommend and try a really gentle cleanser something like cetaphil. Hope this helped

Sep 22, 2013

Tiggs H.

Also try not to wear loads of makeup to cover it! It will only make it worse in the long run! It will get better I promise.

Sep 22, 2013

Abby L.


Sep 22, 2013

Abby L.

Oh no sorry I thought someone recommended obogi...!! BIORE is fine to use. lol but OBAGI. Causes cancer!!

Sep 22, 2013

Maggie M.

Try to love the skin your in , it may sind stupid but its true.the more you love the skin you're in the mitre confident you'll be , also it doesn't look that bad. X
Try to remember you're beautiful no master what <3

Sep 22, 2013

Maggie M.

* sound
* more

Sep 22, 2013

Noer A.

OMG that doesn't look good, don't weat make-up in the weekends.

Sep 22, 2013

Sloane M.

I feel you! It's really hard for me to love my skin because I have moderate acne as well, but you just have to be patient and find you'll find something that works. I know you're only 14, but birth control might help..? It cleared up a few of my friends' skin.

Sep 22, 2013

Katherine T.

Abby OMG you scared me 😂

Sep 22, 2013

Stephanie D.

Epiduo. It's awesome.

Sep 22, 2013

M M.

It might have to do with the makeup brands you're using and the cleansers you're using. I know I break out when I use certain products. I'm sure it will go away at some point. Acne can also be caused from stress.

Sep 23, 2013

Mistreece L.

It sounds like youre doing a lot. what concerns me is that your skin is sore. perhaps your doing too much or youre a lil rough whn washing. this will only aggravate the skin more. you use a lotion and cream ad well...that may be too much as well an can clogged your pores. one moisturizer is enough. on top of that youre using face strips n facial mask. again, its way too much for your skin. cleanse, tone, acne med, moisturize should be enough. be sure to seek products that are devoloped for YOUR skintype.

Sep 23, 2013

Cayla B.

Hmm I've never had acne but you should try steaming your face to unclog pores.