Recommendations For Under Eyes please!?!


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May 14, 2013

Ashley N.

Ok my problem is my under my eyes. am not exactly sure if they are creases or bags or circles but my left eye is worse then my right. they are dark in tht area too. I'm 15 and I drink a lot water n get plenty sleep but they not improving. I tried frozen spoons too. The skin is a lot thinner too. is there a product in the stores tht can help? they are really affecting my self esteem. n can stress cause them? ugh high school:/

May 14, 2013

Tee R.

Just put some concealer it'll hide them.

May 14, 2013

Arielle A.

The same thing happens to me! Investing in a good concealer really helps :)

May 14, 2013

Ashley N.

Ok thnks a lot!

May 14, 2013

Kaleigh P.

Tea bags! sounds dumb, but it works. My dad has those marks also, and he puts hot tea bags under his eyes.

May 14, 2013

Ashley N.

Ok ill try tea bags on weekends.

May 14, 2013

CreateMe L.

I'm a makeup artist and you should definitely use a concealer with a salmon tint to it. It will brighten them up.

May 14, 2013

Tiffany P.

I have that problem too :/ and my left eye is worse! I just use concealer but I only put it at the end of the darker spot because I found if I go up any more it looks worse through out the day. Also I use a high lighter in the corners if my eyes. And make sure all your make up is removed with an eye make up remover because the skin is thinner there it can actually cause it to get worse if you don't :) mine have lightened up since I've been doing that!

May 14, 2013

Niayla S.

I know this sounds crazy and abit old school maybe but putting spoons in the freezer over night help