Horrible Break Out!


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May 13, 2013

Natalie G.

What can I use too get rid of my pimples?
I have a horrible pimple under my nose & I've popped it more than 3 times & it keeps coming back bigger & whiter! :c

May 13, 2013

Marilyn O.

Lance it?

May 14, 2013

Vaishali M.

Garnier blemish corrector is good or tea tree oil or a blemish skin product or mask or witch hazel

May 14, 2013

Vanessa A.

Warm compress? Steam? Also, a dab of tea tree.

May 14, 2013

Wajiha J.

Brew a cup of green tea and freeze it in ice trays. Take the green tea ice cube and massage it over the pimple/scar. It really helps and minimizes the redness and pain!

May 14, 2013

Elizabeth M.

Tea tree oul

May 14, 2013

Elizabeth M.


May 14, 2013

Nicole V.

This might sound odd but I hate when I get those stubborn ones too! my trick is I burn the tip of a sewing needle and poke the pimple right in the heart of it...sometimes it hurts but the nastiness oozes out so you don't have to "pop it" (making it red) and then I rewash face, dry, and dab tiny bit of toothpaste! :)