Fake I'd Preference.


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Apr 26, 2013

Beckie P.

Which do y'all think is better? Getting a fake I'd from a company like idbuddy or finding someone to give you theirs?

Apr 26, 2013

Vielka R.

Fake ID? Neither.. You shouldn't get a fake ID.

Apr 26, 2013

Kelsey V.

Finding someone to give you theirs but be prepared to deal with the possible consequences.

Apr 26, 2013

Tegan W.

Fake IDs are always a bad idea lol just wait till you hit the legal age then you will have somthing to look forward to haha.

Apr 26, 2013

Desiree M.

You girls are so...very responsible! Get one from someone else in case a cashier needs to swipe it. Hypothetically, you know, if someone were irresponsible enough to need an ID with a different birth year on it...;)

Apr 26, 2013

Natalie T.

I had both when I was a kid... using someone else's is WAY better. I used to carry around one of my older friends duplicate I'd's and when I needed it, one of her credit cards as validation and it worked every time even when we went into bars just a couple minutes apart from one another. At least the real I'd with someone else's picture is actually legit.

Apr 26, 2013

Andi S.

As a bartender I wouldnt recommend it!! They're pretty easy to spot and using someone else's is obviously not you...

Apr 26, 2013

Andi S.

Oh not to mention your freaking underage and thats not rifjt to do to adult men if thats what your interested in...

Apr 26, 2013

Nicole F.

Living in a college town, a lot of my friends that weren't 21 and wanted to go out with those of us who were, got ids from one of those websites and every one of them got it taken away. A good bouncer Dan spot it in a second, plus they have folders filled with bar codes to see if the one on the back of your license matches the generic one the people who make fakes use.
I've never gotten a fake, but if I were to I would find someone who looked like me and pay them for it. My friends who went that route never got them taken away or denied.

Apr 26, 2013

AnnaMarea C.

What's so wrong with waiting? what's the rush.. how old are you?

Apr 26, 2013

Beckie P.

I'll be 21 in December, but I'll be in my college town all summer and there's nothing to do in Pickens county other than go downtown. Everyone does it, it's not a big deal here.

Apr 26, 2013

Beckie P.

But thanks everyone for the advice :)

Apr 26, 2013

AnnaMarea C.

Well. you still have 8 months to wait :/.. just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean it isn't against the law. better to be safe than sorry. imagine how awful you would look if you had a drinking underage charge against you? I say this because I just turned 21 a couple weeks ago. IT IS SO WOrTH ThE WAIT. and you bet that I was itching to do what everyone else was doing, but I just waited. lol it sucks but shit happens sometimes.

Apr 26, 2013

Mallory C.

Fake I'ds are a very bad idea. just have a friend pick something up & have a quiet party at home. they turn out to be more fun than going out most nights.

Apr 26, 2013

Courtney K.

I used my aunts (she's 22 now) & they let me into the club. Best time of my life. Don't get a fake one just use somebody else's! Oh & my boyfriend uses his older brothers who is also 22. Just make sure you memorize the birthdate & a few other details in case of any questions. Good luck & have fun (; xoxo.

Apr 26, 2013

angel s.

Just don't do it. Its ridiculous.

Apr 26, 2013

Tijana P.

My friend got a 500 fine and baned from the city clubs from when she truned 18 (that's how old you have to he to go clubiing) till she was 23 also got a bad record so think about it beckie

Apr 26, 2013

Molly F.

Fake ids now a days don't get you into clubs/bars. I was a bartender for 3 years and everyone that came in with a fake was denied. They hold it under black light. sorry girl. Just have to wait until your 21 :-P.

Apr 26, 2013

Erin S.

Come to Canada, drinking age is 18/19 :)

Apr 26, 2013

Hanna T.

Websites are sketchy. If you actually know a person who makes them then do it. My ex got me my fake that way. Also if you have a cousin or an older friend, you should ask them and pay for their new ID.

Apr 27, 2013

Meg F.

However you decide to obtain a fake ID or do anything illegal underage, expect the consequences. Ask yourself if its worth screwing up and getting caught when you only have 8 months left...

Apr 27, 2013

Ashley L.


Apr 27, 2013

Ashley A.

Why don't you get your 21 friends to buy alcohol and get drunk and chill somewhere else? I've never used a fake I'd or want one,bars are whatever,just go hang out and drink somewhere else with your friends? its summer. enjoy it outside and have fun instead of having the possibility of getting fraud (which is a felony) on your record. that would suck and its ten times easier to get in trouble if you get a fake I'd and try going.into a bar.