Dark Circle Help


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Dec 18, 2015

Jasmin R.

How can I get rid of my dark circles they're very bad, any natural way or any product? Please.

Dec 18, 2015

Avery M.

Green tea is a natural way to reduce dark circles! Pop tea bags in the freezer and press against both eyes :) it's really relaxing

Dec 18, 2015

Julie F.

Girl, I SWEAR by pixi (target) brightening peach color corrector. It's amazing. Reminds me of benefits erase paste but thinner consistency and half the price

Dec 18, 2015

Alyssa M.

I read an article on Pinterest about why people get dark circles. Besides it being hereditary, there are a lot of reasons. The article said if you sleep with atleast two pillows rather than laying your head completely flat. It sounded kind of stupid but I tried it and I really noticed a difference. They aren't completely gone but much much lighter. Now a light coat of concealer and they're gone. My grandma had also told me that cold spoons on the round edge make them go away for a while.

Dec 18, 2015

Jasmin R.

Thank you girls very much!

Dec 18, 2015

Gaby S.


Dec 18, 2015

Emer N.

.drink lots of water, they are often a sign of dehydration.
.put a couple of tea bags on them for 20 minutes.
.blow your nose, this might dound weird but if the sinuses are blocked they raise up causing a a dip which is the circle.
.keep moisturised.
.make sure you're not lacking in iron, this can make you appear paler therefore enhancing the appearance of circles.
.try using and eye cream, benefit its potent has good reviews but I've personally never tried it.

have a great Christmas xxxx