Best night cream!


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Dec 27, 2015

Naomi K.

I need a very moisturizing night cream and would like it to have some skin brighting aspects! Help me out? :)

Dec 27, 2015

Hannah K.

Personally my favorite night cream is the Korres Wild Rose and Vitamin C Brightening Sleeping Facial. It really brightens your skin, is really moisturizing (my skin is unfortunately Sahara dry, this really helps!), and it smells amazing. I definitely recommend it, it's wonderful. It's not super cheap, but I find it incredibly worth it.

Dec 27, 2015

Roz X.

What type of skin do you have, Naomi?

Dec 28, 2015

Naomi K.

I have really dry skin

Dec 28, 2015

Roz X.

Since you are seeking a dual purpose moisturizer, have you considered Organic, cold pressed rosehip oil? It is incredibly moisturizing and brightens..leaving skin dewy and with diligent use, helps to brighten and even out skin tone. I refrigerate mine....adding a little Vitamin E to the bottle. This helps to extended it's "shelf life", but the oils also work very well in tandem to brighten and hydrate. My own skin is crazy sensitive. I rotate facial oils with my favorite lotion as part of a complete skin care regimen. (I use several oils for various benefits.) You can find it at your local health food store or vitamin shop if you feel like that may work for you.