Hair oil help


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Jul 8, 2016

Sabrina B.

My hair doesn't like coconut oil and lately it hasn't been liking argan oil either. I'm trying to find a hair oil that I can put on the ends of my hair either wet or dry. What are some good hair oils that you all use that you like? Thanks in advance for your help.

Jul 8, 2016

Sofia F.

Avocado oil!

Jul 9, 2016

Diana T.

You can try jojoba oil or Shea oil - or maybe your hair just doesn't like any oils at all?

Jul 9, 2016

Sabrina B.

I use to use moroccan oil and that seemed to work so I'm going to try that again and see how it does.

Jul 9, 2016

r D.

Yes. Moroccan Argan oil is very good and it can make your hair really smooth.

Jul 9, 2016

Diana T.

Oh but you just said it wasn't a fan of argan oil now? I'm confused is Moroccan oil different from argan oil?

Jul 9, 2016

Sabrina B.

I think there is I found this website

Jul 10, 2016

Diana T.

Wow that's good to know thanks for sharing Sabrina :) so I guess Moroccan has argan in it along with some more stuff and is less expensive

Jul 10, 2016

Sabrina B.

It depends on the brand you get I got some from Moroccan oil company and for like almost a 4 oz bottle is like 40 dollars but I ordered off of amazon since it was a little bit cheaper

Aug 5, 2016

Lin F.

I like mine it is from Pro-naturals and it is Moroccan (country, not the brand) argan oil. I use it after each shampoo, about 3 drops on damp hair for all my very short hair before blow drying & heat styling. It is a great heat protectant as well.