Getting the most out of Colourpop's Hippo Highlighter.


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Jun 15, 2016

Essie A.

I purchased Colourpop's Hippo Highlighter recently, after hearing such good things and falling in love with the cool lavender tones, but I'm finding it hard to get it to show up on my skin. I've tried a variety of brushes, my fingers, and I'm just about ready to give up on it.

Do any of you have tips as to how to use this specific highlighter? Or any tips at all to get it to show's such a pretty color in the pan. I hate to see it just sitting there.

Jun 15, 2016

Kathryn R.

Have you tried using the Mac Fix+ with it? Or maybe layer a liquid/cream highlighter underneath.

Jun 15, 2016

Essie A.

I have a homemade version of the fix +...I'll try that when I return home tomorrow and report back. Thank you!