Laugh lines and bumps under eyes at 25!


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Sep 13, 2016

Sampoorna G.

I recently began to notice the formation of deepened laugh lines, almost like indentations, from my nose and also from under my eye. I am overweight for one thing, but they weren't this pronounced before (at the same weight). What can I do? Will losing weight and strength training help? They make me much older than I am. [recent] [8-10 months ago]

Sep 14, 2016

Leuca S.

I would have thought from your recent picture that you were younger than 25. We all tend to be hypercritical of our own faces, but it may be worth looking into a more intense skin care regimen. Daily SPF, a good chemical exfoliant to keep your skin texture smooth, and plenty of antioxidants to fight free radical damage. I'm sure you'll see improvement in your skin if you're using well-formulated products.

Sep 17, 2016

Marleen B.

Typically being overweight when you're young can make you look older. But you don't really look overweight or older than 25yrs old. Also, deep naso labial folds (laugh lines) and crows feet (lines around the eyes can be hereditary). So, the best thing you can do is just yo minimize the damage that a person's skin is exposed to throughout life. I would start with trying to eat healthfully, exercise, minimal to moderate alcohol, absolutely no smoking and stay out of the sun. Try to train yourself to sleep on your back to avoid facial, neck and cleavage wrinkles. Try to wear a sunscreen, a hat and big sunglasses when you are in the sun and I even wear sunglasses just in regular daylight, because just bright daylight without sun rays can make you squint and start the formation of wrinkles. I even shield my eyes with my hand when I turn on the lights in the morning when I wake up. As far as skincare, I would start with a vitamin c serum, moisterizer, eye cream & sunscreen everyday (am) and a retinol treatment, eye cream and moisterizer at night.