Best Facial Cleanser Recommendations?


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Sep 16, 2016

Georgia L.

Hi! I'm a fourteen year old girl who is currently experiencing a breakout. I have "normal" skin (a little oily) and the cleanser I currently use isn't really working. Any recommendations? Thanks so much ⭐️

Sep 16, 2016

Kat S.

Hey! I use the Clinique mild facial cleanser in the oily skin formula, and I totally recommend it! Also, I use the Burts bees herbal blemish stick on my breakouts and they go away within 2 days.

Sep 17, 2016

Jeffrey C.

Using cosmetics based facial cleanser may cost expensive and their effects can be for a very short period of time. I would like to suggest you to use home based ingredients. Though their results will be slowly but will give long term effective.