How to stop a blind pimple?


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Oct 11, 2016

Hannah E.

So I've woken up in the middle of the night with pain on my nose. I've realized that it's one of those dreadful cystic sits. You can't see anything, but it's very painful. How do I stop it in its tracks?? Thank you.

Oct 11, 2016

Jasmine S.

I've found that putting on tea tree oil and then Queen Helene's face mask over the painful area and sleeping with it on makes it go away. I do it for a few nights and the pimple usually never surfaces.

Oct 11, 2016

Dana E.

Tea tree oil yes!! It always stops those pimples in their tracks!! I try to put it on as much as I can thorough out the day if I'm not wearing any makeup or if I am, then in morning and night.

Oct 11, 2016

Hannah E.

Thank you guys!! I'll look into it :)

Oct 13, 2016

Angela J.

Mario Badescu buffering lotion will very often keep it from even turning into a full blown breakout but at the very least it will bring down swelling immensely overnight and will stop the pain completely. You can get it at Ulta for around $16 for s bottle that'll last for freaking ever:)

Oct 13, 2016

Hannah E.

Oh that sounds cool! I'll check it out, Angela :)

Oct 14, 2016

Marleen B.

I take Advil as directed for a couple of days. It's not only a pain reliever, it's an anti-inflammatory so it will help reduce swelling & redness. And of course, minimize the pain.

Oct 15, 2016

Hannah E.

I do that too Marleen! I find it helps with the pain as well :)