Question about manic panic hair dye?


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Jun 17, 2015

Shauna S.

So I usually dye my hair with Garnier Nutrisse Hair Dye in Deep Burgundy (here's a picture of the colour). I absolutely loveeee this colour but it washes out very quickly. I was looking into Manic Panic vegan hair dye, I read that it's okay to put it in your conditioner so that it revives your hair colour when you wash it. Is this true? I was looking into the colour Vampire Red which I know a lot of you ladies have used. The colour of course won't exactly match the hair dye I'm using but do you think it would still look okay to put in my hair or would it be a disaster?

Jun 17, 2015

Kelly H.

I know from my experience manic panic dyed everything it touched, my skin, my hands, I don't think you'd want to even take that risk.

Jun 17, 2015

Emily B.

It does create quite a mess. I used Raw. Idk if it's a demi or whatever dye, but it'd work ok I think. Not manic panic. For me it seemed to rinse out and fade so fast it wasn't worth what I paid for it.

Jun 17, 2015

Shauna S.

Hmm okay maybe I won't use it. I just can't stand my burgundy colour washing out so fast I heard that these semi permanent dyes like manic panic are good to put in your conditioner to revive the colour when you wash your hair. does it just add a bit of color or would my hair turn crazy red? lol.

Jun 17, 2015

Amber D.

It works perfectly for me... I use it every two months to refresh my red hair and as long as I wash my hair like at the most two times a week or so it looks good. It does stain but it comes off of clothes when you wash them and as long as you wash the bath tub right away it's fine. O yea don't forget to wash your hair with cold water!! Hope that helps!!

Jun 17, 2015

Justine S.

I've used manic panic in conditioner when I've washed my hair before. When I had baby pink hair I would put a little in every few days to keep my color vibrant and it didn't do any harm and it washed out just fine.

Jun 17, 2015

Shauna S.

Thank you all! I might just put a very tiny bit in my conditioner. I'm not looking for it to totally recolour my hair

Jun 20, 2015

Emily B.

Oh wow. I never had any problems with manic panic. I was actually super impressed at how it never bled anywhere...

Jun 20, 2015

Alma M.

Jazzing is pretty awesome, you could try black cherry or my fave cherry Cola over your hair color. :) I like manic panic if you want help with it go to their site they have great tips on care and lasting color. Vampire red is awesome, get the Amplified version it last longer not the one in the jar it's the bottle one.