What's wrong with my skin.


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Apr 15, 2015

Ella M.

I have these dots all over my chest, some are red like acne and some are the same color as my skin. How do I get rid of them?

Apr 15, 2015

Ella M.

Sorry for the gross pic that's what they look like.

Apr 15, 2015

Makeup L.

My friend had these on her back. They usually go away by theirselves but it might take some time.

Apr 15, 2015

Hollie M.

I also have these, mostly on my best and back. I think it's partially to do with hormones but what I do is use a body scrub (like a face wash but for bodies). Also, like Hailey said, it can be caused of dryness so keep moisturising.

Apr 15, 2015

Ella M.

Thanks girls! My chest is really oily, so I thought it was acne, but I wasn't sure.

Apr 16, 2015

Kylie R.

I think it might be acne because I get little ones that pop up like that on my chest sometimes and I have friends that have it all over their backs. I would moisturize like how the girls above said and maybe try washing the spots where it's at with the same face wash you use on your face I'm not sure though.

Apr 16, 2015

Mary W.

Get a simple acne medication you would use for your face and put it on chest at night before bed and once through out day. Should go away after a few days of applying