How To Avoid Stretchmarks?


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Jan 8, 2015

Olivia G.

My mom gained 80 pounds when pregnant with me and I couldn't believe it, but her 3 other pregnancies it was like 30-50 pounds I believe

Jan 8, 2015

Bailee H.

Olivia, really? Hm that's so interesting! I'm kind of new to the whole pregnancy thing and I am only 18 so I don't really have any friends that have had kids. Just my mom and my sister and they gained around 30-50 as well I believe. So maybe it's just because of the combined fact that I'm young and very small with a fast metabolism that my weight gain has been so minimal lol

Jan 8, 2015

Olivia G.

Yeah, I'd be terrified to gain that much weight in the period of 9 moths, also. I don't know much about pregnancy either but I've heard good things about cocoa butter and not scratching your belly

Jan 8, 2015

Olivia G.


Jan 8, 2015

Shanae J.

I was 14 when I was pregnant and weighed about 120 pounds, I gained a total of 70 something pounds during my pregnancy and haven't lost any of it, then again I haven't been doing much to lose it, I'm pretty confident with my weight. Lol.

Jan 8, 2015

Bailee H.

Me too! I know I'll gain more in these last few months but I've been pretty lucky, and yeah I've heard good things about those too lol.

Jan 8, 2015

Alma M.

When I was pregnant many moons ago I used everything to prevent stretch marks and through my whole pregnancy it all seem to be a hit until after I had my daughter I walked into the bathroom and seen it all like a day old deflated balloon stretch mark city but not to bad but the fact I thought I was doing everything right with failed results was sad in my young mind.I now look back and think their was no way to prevent it and is no big deal everyone has them and usually that's what us Ladies worry about when young we think stretch marks or cellulite is the beast lol 

Jan 8, 2015

Bailee H.

Hahah Alma, that's very true. You get what you get, I suppose!