Origins Charcoal Mask?


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Jan 7, 2015

Shauna S.

I got a sample of the origins charcoal mask because I want to get rid of blackheads and I have really sensitive skin. how did you like this product?

Jan 7, 2015

Hannah K.

Well, my skin isn't super picky but I do like this product. I feel like it's great for clearing pores, just make sure that you moisturize really well afterwards or it can definitely dry out your skin.

I love it! It really leaves my skin feeling clean, smooth, and soft, and I've noticed a difference with my blackheads (: I agree with Hannah, though, to make sure to moisturize afterwards.

Jan 7, 2015

Marae M.

love it :)

Jan 7, 2015

Brittany m.

Did it burn a little when you first put it on? It does that to me And want to know if it's the product or maybe my face doesn't like it lol

If it burns then don't use it. Products should never burn the skin.

Jan 8, 2015

Logan C.

I love it! I use it once a week and it leaves my skin feeling so soft afterwards! I steam before I use it and use a warm clean wash cloth to take off and my skin feels very fresh.

Jan 8, 2015

Brittany m.

Not like an intense burn, more like a tingle.. Hard to explain lol
I know some products do burn or tingle. So I was wondering if anyone else had the same thing happen. But my skin could not agree with it...sadly :(

Jan 8, 2015

Logan C.

Emma is that the tingle exfoliate one? I'm thinking if trying one if the samples of glam glow, how do you like it?

Jan 8, 2015

Shannon R.

I love my glam glow maks. I got a set of them for Christmas I think the youth mud is the tingle exfoliate one. I love that one. The supermud is nice too but with the youth mud you exfoliate when you put it on an wash it off. They smell good, and it's amazing how little product you need to use.

Jan 8, 2015

Marissa S.

Meh. It's alright. I don't think it did much for my skin. Or maybe my expectations for it were too high.

Jan 8, 2015

Logan C.

Thanks Shannon! Yea I wanted to get the one that supposed to brighten and smooth skin n saw some good reviews so next sephora trip I'll probably pick it up