How to get rid of back and chest acne :(


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Jan 8, 2015

Sarah L.

So my prom is in June and if I do end up buying a strapless or open back dress I don't want there to be acne 😭 I even have some acne scars in those regions its so weird.

Jan 8, 2015

Melanie S.

I have the same problem. I stopped using conditioner and that really cleared up my back, so if you want to try there's that.

Jan 8, 2015

Kat H.

I was honestly so excited when I saw this post because I have had back acne problems since the end of the summer and it was so nasty to me I tried a BILLION different things and I finally found a way to get rid of it like magic!

Jan 8, 2015

Kat H.

Firstly when you shower most people shampoo their hair and then put in conditioner not washing it out yet while they clean their bodies but that's the problem, when you use your body wash and THEN rinse your conditioner out of your hair your working backwards, you've got to wash the conditioner out before you wash your body because then you just leave your back with a greasy mess even if you rinse it with water. Secondly when washing your back I use the neutragena body clear link grapefruit body wash that's attached in the picture, it really REALLY helps and also I would suggest using a loofa on a stick kind of thing to scrub your back and give it a good exfoliation with the body wash so it can really penetrate the skin.

Jan 8, 2015

Kat H.

The last thing I use is this beautiful thing: the neutragena body clear spray, this is really cool because it has a 360 design so even when you flip the bottle upside down to spray your back it still sprays out of the bottle with ease. I put this on while I'm brushing my teeth and give it a chance to dry right before I hop in bed. This has benzoyl peroxide and all that other good acne fighting stuff and I noticed that it started to clear up my chest and back acne within days so by June you will have beautiful skin! The key though don't scratch at your acne that will only cause scaring and possible infection

Jan 8, 2015

Kat H.

Also if this doesn't work (and it definitely will) is take a towel, wet it all over with hydrogen peroxide and lay it on your back for 5-15 minutes. It's going to sting because it's cleaning out the acne but I find that this helps as well

Jan 8, 2015

Maressa H.

Following! Definitely will be trying everything mentioned.

Jan 8, 2015

Kel R.

Please be careful with peroxide. It can damage your skin.
If you have the same problem as me, where you insist on consistently scratching you're acne and make it bleed and scab over (then repeat..).. Then maybe visit your doctor and ask for a cream to apply.
My OCD habit of scratching it was making some serious damage to my skin so I was given a steroid ointment to apply on the sores/acne and it clears up within 2/3 days :)
Definitely need your doctors approval though. But this worked for clearing up my back/chest/arms. (Never ever ever use on face)

Jan 8, 2015

Kat H.

Don't worry about the benzoyl peroxide in the shower washes I mentioned though it's very little. See the thing with benzoyl peroxide is its a drying agent so when used alone as straight up 2.5% benzoyl peroxide it will dry out whatever you out it on. That's what acne needs though to get rid or the bacteria. However yes it can leave the spot where your zit was extremely dry which is why you need to be careful how much you apply and take care of your skin if there is a drying spot. If you're really concerned about it ask a dermatologist but it's not "extremely bad for your skin" people, like me, use it all the time and it works wonders but everyone's skin is different

Jan 8, 2015

Kaylee D.

I agree with the grapefruit wash by nuetrogena it really worked for me!