Tanning 👀 Help 😅


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Jan 8, 2015

Priscillaa S.

This would be my first time tanning and I want to make sure I do a good one , what can I use to tan my body && my face because my skin is really pale , I don't want to go really dark just 3 foundations darker than light 😅 Should I do tanning beds? Or Spray Tan? Help ðŸ‘€

Jan 8, 2015

Ashley D.

I wouldn't use a tanning bed, but I have no experience with tanning so I don't know how to help, maybe watch some YouTube videos.

Jan 8, 2015

Sandy M.

I'd go with spray tan as tanning beds are more harmful and you will need to always maintain it where as the spray tan you can just put it on! I use Le tan or Bondi sands in the darkest shade and it looks amazing and not too dark you can put more Coates if you want it darker ps I would recommend you getting a mousse tan not spray as mousse it's easier to apply and it looks more even plus dries faster ðŸ‘Œ

Jan 8, 2015

Shiro M.

Definitely spray tanning

Jan 8, 2015

Marissa S.

I might get beat over the head for this but I much prefer a 'real' tan ie using a tanning bed. In my experience spray tans always look fake/orange/streaky. You can't really screw up a real tan like that.

If you do chose the tanning bed option make sure you go to a reputable salon that appears clean and well kept. I would also ask what their cleaning procedure is for the beds. Also;
- Use a INDOOR tanning lotion. I like Designer Skin and there's also this Hemp one in a green bottle that I like but can't think of the brand.
- Increase your time slowly. Ask the people who work there how long you should go the first time, it's usually always under 5 minutes depending on your skin.
- Don't overdo it. A few (3 or 4) times a week until you get to your ideal color and then maybe twice a week to maintain. Going everyday will do more harm than good.
**I'm not a pro or doctor. These are just my opinions from my experience.

Jan 8, 2015

Dilara K.

If this is a one time thing I definitely recommend the tanning bed because the results are so much nicer but if you don't want to damage your skin a spray tan at L.A. Tan would be fine as well:)

Jan 8, 2015

Kaitlin W.

I agree with not using a tanning bed it can cause wrinkles ðŸ˜±

Jan 9, 2015

Isabel M.

@Marissa S

I agree with you, I think the old fashioned normal tanning is best. But when you live in The Netherlands (like me) and you want a tan you can't chill in the sun... Because there is no sun. It is dark a lot and really cold with a lot if rain, snow and always clouds. I haven't seen the sun for at least 2 months lol. But yeah, I am really pake but I couldn't care less but some people want to look nice so if you do you have a pretty big problem when you live in countries where the sun is almost a myth because you think it is there, but you have neven seen it 😂😂. Okay yeah, I have had a little to much coffee today... Shouldn't drink more than 2... Okay...

Anyways, I wouldn't use a tanningbed because it is really bad for you so if you what a tan and there is no way you could get it naturally I'd probably use a spray