Eczema product help??


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Feb 23, 2015

Sydney J.

I have really bad eczema and I'm completely convinced that even though I'm going to ask I will have tried most products that yall will tell me to try haha that's how bad it is. I use aveeno as a lotion and it helps. I love coconut oil for my scalp, but what are some non steroid creams that I can use? Oh and during the summer I get white patches on my skin!! Does anyone else have that problem and know how to prevent it? It's so irritation and embarrassing 😳

Feb 23, 2015

Kenna S.

I was born with eczema, so I know it's hard about it! Try Sarah V, and if that doesn't work successfully for you, I honestly really love the bath and Bodyworks cooling gels! It wouldn't seem like it, but they really do clear up eczema fast!

Feb 23, 2015

Kenna S.

*cereve grr..

Feb 23, 2015

Alura J.

Have you tried First Aid Beauty's Ultra Repair Concentrate? That's the only thing that has helped my dry patches and get my skin balanced.

I don't put all over, just on the patches and within a few days it's gone.

Feb 23, 2015

Celeste B.

I know this sounds really weird but my aunt is straight up mexican and she bought me a bottle of castor oil and told me to try it and I did and its honestly the best thing I've ever tried to get rid of my eczema

Feb 23, 2015

Melanie S.

My mom recently made me try this stuff, and it works like a charm. This is the first thing that really helped my eczema.
The products are
Arbonne reactivating body serum and Arbonne hydrating body lotion

Feb 23, 2015

Delara g.

Got this from a doctor though. It treats eczema

Feb 23, 2015

Sarah N.

I suffered from really bad eczema on my hands while I was in beauty school and was so determined to get rid of it since I'm always working on people and first aid beauty's line literally cleared it up 100%. it has been gone since before I graduated a few months ago like no itching or dryness left, nothing! and I tried so many products! also I applied the creams at night and put on hand spa gloves afterwards and it worked wonderfully. Good luck I know how stressful it can be!

Feb 23, 2015

Shauna S.

I really like Aveeno. also polyaporin makes an eczema line which ia great. I've tried the first aid beauty stuff and for me it just felt really greasy and didn't do much but people seem to have good results from it. honestly the only thing that has truly helped me are prescription creams which I know you don't want to use. I was given betaderm cream. I applied it once very thinly and the eczema was literally gone the next day. also at Sephora one of the sales associates said she had a man that tried argan oil on his eczema and it cleared it up right away. the white patches you described are hyperpigmentation. I had this on my arms. you can get a chemical peel to make it go away but for me I just applied Aveeno lotion and in a few weeks it's completely gone.

Feb 23, 2015

Sam R.

Following.. I have really bad eczema
Celeste did you used castor oil alone or did you mix it? I know its a thick oil

Sarah where sells first aid? (don't live in the USA ) but I can get stuff from there

Feb 23, 2015

Shauna S.

They sell first aid beauty at Sephora. I'm not sure where else they sell it.

Feb 23, 2015

Sydney J.

I don't necessarily have a problem with prescription creams trust me I have plenty laying around the house. But it seems when I use them the hypopigmentation really stands out in the summer

Feb 23, 2015

Livi H.

Hi the reason why eczema rises and why it keeps coming back is the overuse of steroid creams. Lotions and creams that contain alcohol and preservatives can eventually irritate eczema skin that's why at first it works then it just stops working. There is this cream called Theraplex that does not contain those things it's pretty much a thick cream that you can buy from Amazon. It works great.

Feb 23, 2015

Mademoiselle A.

Olive Oil