Does anyone's insurance/benefits cover chemical peels?


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Jan 14, 2015

Jenna L.

I've been recommended to get chemical peels to help treat my acne. (Can't go the hormonal route because of a blood disorder). If I'm getting them done in a medical clinic would my insurance cover it? What has been your experience.

Jan 14, 2015

Alexis C.

I would ask the clinic and your insurance company itself as everyone's insurance providers and clinics work different.

Jan 14, 2015

Lara C.

Its very personnal to each situation and company. You really need to call:)

Jan 14, 2015

Jenna L.

Yeah the girl at the clinic said she thinks they would be since I can't take hormonal treatments and acne isn't just a cosmetic thing since it's actually an infection of the skin.

Jan 14, 2015

Nicole B.

If you need a chemical peel done I'd suggest going to an Ulta Store that has a dermalogica pod on site! They do the best facials and they are very effective! My skin looks and feels so much better after having a service done by them. And they're pretty inexpensive compared to most spas and clinics

Jan 14, 2015

Emily W.

Mine doesn't cover acne treatments of any kind because they are a cosmetic problem. Boo. Definitely call your insurance and find out. They should have a phone number on your card (hell of a lot easier than trying to find it on a website lol).