Advice on skincare for sensitive skin.


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Feb 18, 2015

Cat D.

Hi, I have really sensitive skin with acne. I have medication from the doctor for the acne but my skin is really dry now and I'm just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for skincare products to use that will hydrate but not irritate the skin. Any recommendations welcome and also I'm in the uk so only products in the uk please. Thank you.

Feb 18, 2015

Alyx T.

I would try the body shop seaweed line. It's for sensitive skin :) I use it, I have dry super sensitive skin and the seaweed line is the only thing that helps. Seaweed calms and soothes skin, and also has great acne benefits.

Feb 18, 2015

Cat D.

Ah thank you I was looking at it but wondered if it was ok. My skin just reacts to everything lol 😊

Feb 18, 2015

Alyx T.

I totally get it. I get reactions to everything, and it took me a long time to find the seaweed line. Now it's the only thing I use since I don't react to it. I even have to use the face washes as body wash since they don't carry body wash versions of it haha.

Feb 18, 2015

Cat D.

Haha yeah it really sucks. I hate having sensitive skin got to watch everything, buying make up and skin care is always a nightmare lol.

Feb 18, 2015

Shauna S.

I have insanely sensitive skin, I've probably spent thousands of dollars on products that give me a reaction lol. Here are some skincare products that worked for me.

- Simple Skincare products (I use their Gel Cleanser, Calming Toner and Hydrating Light Moisturizer. They also have a heavy moisturizer.)
- The Body Shop Aloe Vera line (I use their Toner and Day and Night Cream) Their day cream is extremely moisturizing, their night cream soaks into the skin better.
- Avene (I use their Cleanance Cleanser) This is amazing for acne prone skin. It's super gentle and doesn't contain harsh chemicals for your face, however it can get a bit drying so I use their Hydrance Moisturizer.

Feb 18, 2015

Cat D.

Ok thank you Shauna I will look into these. What out of the products would you say are the best or your favourite

Feb 18, 2015

Shauna S.

I personally like the Simple Skincare cleanser. It definitely doesn't dry out my face, however I do have oily skin. I don't really have problem skin, just occasional breakouts. My 2nd favourite would be the Avene Cleanance Cleanser. It's pricey but it does the job. This one specifically is for oily blemish prone skin. I find the Simple Skincare cleanser makes your skin feel fresh and soft but it doesn't seem to do as much for breakouts. Avene also has one for non oily skin. I love their products I've had nothing but success with them. Their moisturizers are amazing. I recommend checking out their website to see what would work best for you. And I know they have it in the UK.

Feb 18, 2015

Diana T.

I think you have to be careful when mixing skin care products with your Rx from the derm - you may want to consult your derm to see if they may or may not mix well together.

Feb 19, 2015

Traci L.

Definitely check with the derm but you can try cerave hydrating cleanser and moisturizer, they usually recommend a gentle non reactive cleanser and moisturizer , and cerave is good for dry sensitive skin , but it really depends on your skin

Feb 19, 2015

Cat D.

Hey thank you all for the advice I will look into the products recommend and I will ask the derm what they recommend 😊