Eye pimple?!?! HELP!! 👀


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Feb 19, 2015

Shanae J.

Yes, I'm sorry Erin! & I'm sorry, Brittany! My argumentative personality got the best of me.

Feb 19, 2015

Shanae J.

They tried fixing it but it's still completely messed up. They were extremely unprofessional. I'm just going to deal with it for now and in April or May I'm going to bleach it and go blonde a for awhile. (:

Oh my, the things I miss when I go to sleep! Glad that got resolved because no one wants my argumentative side to come out.. Ask anyone that's been on the other side of it hahaha. But I definitely agree with Shelly and Sabrina, I wasn't undermining you so sorry if that is what it seemed, it was mostly for Erin's safety! Its like if someone would have posted that they use lemon juice on their face daily, just because it works for you does not mean that it's safe information for the general public. All the best with your stye Erin, I hate how itchy they get so hopefully yours goes soon x