Bug bite scabs


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Feb 3, 2015

Youbin S.

I stayed over a friends house for a week and I got bit so much! I have like 25 bug bites I got bit every night
I put medicine on it, but the older bug bites are starting to scan. Does anyone know How I can get rid of the scab marks? You can see in the picture my hand already has marks from the scab
Please 😣

Feb 3, 2015

Youbin S.


Feb 3, 2015

Youbin S.

Here's my foot, it has scabs as well. Both of my feet have scabs 😢😢😢😖

Feb 3, 2015

Claire O.

Take antihistemines, Put toothpaste to stop itching and just leave them do not touch them!! I went to new york and got them terribly the best thing is to NOT TOUCH THEM!!

Feb 3, 2015

Claire O.

Some of my not so good experience hahaha seeiously best thing to do is just make sure you don't touch them at all.

Feb 3, 2015

Claire O.

(those are bed bug bites!!) I know your pain haha.

Feb 3, 2015

Youbin S.

Omg it sucks! I have them all over my arms my neck my feet my toes my fingers
Everywhere lol I'm so sad
But thank you Claire

Feb 3, 2015

Lea E.

Can't really do anything as far as I know. You can put active honey on it to soften the scabs but whatever you do don't pick them or they will scar.

Feb 3, 2015

Kat S.

A way to prevent that from happening again is take a garlic oil pill and the bugs don't like to bite you! It takes a few days for the garlic to kick in, but worth it!