Born This Way failed me😑😑


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Oct 25, 2015

Guera G.

So I know this was really hyped up when it came out, I loved it when I tested it in store (at Sephora back in August) so I bought it. I've used it more than a handful of times since I've bought it, but I just can't love it. Makes me look like an oil slick after 2 hours, doesn't stay as well as it should (even with a powder and setting spray) clings to dry spots that I didn't even know I have, and I always exfoliate and moisturize beforehand (Nars Sheer Glow nevvver does this to me😩) makes my pores look like 💩 no matter what primer I've used (smash box primer water, smashbox in the purple tube, too faced hangover). No matter the method of application (BB, foundation brush, fingers) I feel caked up. Soooo it's going back. Anyone else had this problem?

Oct 25, 2015

Rebecca J.

I tried a few samples of it and disliked it. it made me very oily very quickly, it looked thick and heavy even though I didn't use much. It faded quickly on my nose and chin. The colour I got was too yellow for me also. It also transferred badly. I didn't notice it clinging to my dry areas though and my pores looked ok with it on too.

Oct 25, 2015

Tania L.

Aww no way, that sucks 😕 I just started using Born this Way about a month ago, I used to use MUFE HD but it was making me look to oily, I have combination skin & my t-zone looked horrible after a couple of hrs. Anyways, I love born this way😍 it does give my skin a dewy look but definitely not oily. I use Dr. Brandt's pore no more as a primer or Benefits pore less , & a beauty blender for application. Since I use powders to contour/bronze I actually rarely use setting powder or spray, but I HAD to all the time with MUFE. Hmm, do you have oily skin?

Oct 25, 2015

Alma M.

It's benefits is to help keep moisture in the skin (hydrating) but if you add too much hydrating product's like the one's you've mentioned then apply That foundation, it can work against it and start getting dry in area's as well or slide off.Only apply those types of primers in area's that need hydration they truly don't need to be all over and the water spray is the same. These type's of foundation's I think are better for more mature skin if you need moisture and plumping in the skin (look alive glow lol) or people that need moisture help to the skin.Lately these types of pigment moisturizing hydration radiance finishes have been the It thing this year in foundation's but the down side they're a crazy meshed up complicated trouble foundation for most. :)
Have you tried the product without primers? 

Oct 25, 2015

Morgan N.

I wanted to love this product also but it's just been impossible. They don't make a shade for me. It oxidizes like CRAZY! It slides off my face about 2 hours after applying. Sad, but this foundation only works for a slight number of people.

Oct 25, 2015

Guera G.

That's exactly how it is for me Rebecca. I have "vanilla" and it's too yellow but "porcelain" was too dark. I know they came out with more colors, but the formula just didn't cut it for me.

Oct 25, 2015

Guera G.

Tania, I'm more of normal skin type in the summer and dry in the colder months. I also have the porefessional and that didn't work out for me either.😕

Oct 25, 2015

Guera G.

Alma, I've used the hydrating primers when I could tell I was more on the dry side, and only apply the pore minimizing ones in my tzone where they're the worst. But I don't use both types at once. I haven't tried this particular foundation without a primer, but others I have and it just doesn't work out well.

Oct 25, 2015

Guera G.

Morgan- I know! That's what it's done to me too. My face is whiter than my neck, so I know it's supposed to match your neck color, but it would turn so yellow on me😫 I tried to love this one so much but👎🏻👎🏻