Is St. Ives face scrub reliable?


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Jul 18, 2015

Katie G.

Hi guys! So recently I bought St Ives apricot gentle face scrub for sensitive skin. I was so pleased when I bought it because I wanted to try out face scrubs to help give make my skin look better when applying foundation.
My skin is very sensitive and I have noticed that when applying foundation it can sometimes make my skin flake.
To help with this I bought the St Ives face scrub as described above.
I was just wondering what everybody's opinion is on this as I have recently read some very bad reviews saying that it could damage your skin, such as exposing it to become more prone to sun damage and clogging up pores.
Any help? 😁

Jul 18, 2015

Julie F.

Ehh honestly I have no preference. Didn't like it didn't hate it. Let's just say I would never reach for it when picking out face wash. I really like the simple skin care brand. They have nice products for sensitive skin.

Jul 18, 2015

Roz X.

Oh dear. Well, this product has been the topic of debate on more than one beauty blog...let alone here.
I know some people use it gently and lightly and love it...and I used to be one of them...long ago before I acquired the skin care knowledge and experience I posess today. As a fellow sensitive skin gal, I'm going to suggest a return on this product. The granules are essentially shards...jagged pieces that can cause micro tears in your delicate complexion as well as dramatically increase your chances of irritation and inflammation over time.
Instead, you want a gentle, microbead exfoliant if a 'scrub' is what your after. I love my Philosophy Microdelivery wash, which I find highly effective and hydrating. No flakes for me. I use it mornings before applying my aloe toner and moisturizer/CC night, I use CeraVe or Purity presently..You can pick.up a trial size Micro wash for $15 or look for it at Marshalls/TJ Maxx.

Jul 18, 2015

Joanna C.

I bought the oatmeal one that has smaller beads and enjoy it more than the apricot one.

Jul 18, 2015

Gem L.

I love the green tea scrub. You hours also try black chracol scrubs. They are the bomb.

Jul 18, 2015

Sarah N.

Rozberry is correct, it is honestly in my opinion (and my teachers at school for esthetics) one of the worst products on the market. It is in fact quite jagged edges which can ruin your skins protective layer, causing irritation, bacteria reaching further in your skin, inflammation, premature wrinkles, etc. I'd highly suggest returning this product. I personally prefer chemical exfoliants, I'm not sure what your price range is but I'd be happy to suggest different products for you.

Jul 18, 2015

Katie G.

Thankyou all so much - I wasn't sure if this was a common thing for this product so thought I'd ask!

Recommendations would be great Sarah! I'm just looking for a good product to try out to understand my skin more but what I know so far is that it is quite sensitive and can also be quite dry too! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

Jul 18, 2015

Tessandra R.

It is my go to scrub to help give my skin a little glow, and get rid of the dead dry skin that my foundation clings to. I have Combo/Sensitive skin and it doesn't irritate my skin and even helps clear my skin up when I get little break outs! Just when you're applying it, make sure to not rub it too harshly into your skin :) For me, it's definitely a 5 out of 5.

Jul 18, 2015

Tessandra R.

Also, be careful of the Simple products. I tried several of them thinking I finally found something that would help my skin without irritating it. Boy was I wrong. Using the makeup remover wipes for the first time my skin instantly started to burn, my eyes started watering, and my skin actually became red wherever the wipes touched me. I through them out immediately. But I figured the other products might still work. The night cream is the only thing that didn't react with my skin or break me out terribly. So be careful!

Jul 19, 2015

Dereanna D.

I agree with Tessandra, I use it everyday. I don't recommend that, but that's just what works for me. I've been using it for years & haven't had any issues with it. I'll always repurchase it, it's my favorite skincare product. Everyone's skin is different though.

Jul 19, 2015

Tessandra R.

@Dereanna I thought I was the only one who used it everyday!

Jul 19, 2015

Shona S.

I love it... I've used it for years and I have sensitive skin. I only use it once a week, it's the only scrub I've ever loved and relied on to get rid of my blackheads and blackheads quickly. :)

Jul 19, 2015

Shona S.

Breakouts* ^