Garnier to old or to Young.


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Jul 18, 2015

Simmie K.

Can I start using this I am 22 but I don't have wrinkles?

Jul 18, 2015

Roz X.

Honestly, broad spectrum sunscreen, Omega 3 in your diet and a Vitamin C serum is a better route...for any age.

Jul 18, 2015

Shelley W.

I agree with Rozberry. That is the best anti-ager line up. Its what I use on a daily. At 22 your skin might not be able to handle the rich anti-aging creams and could result in a nasty breakout. I dived into rich anti-aging products at a young age and the result was congested pores. The same products that I tried back then are now embraced by my skin now (I'm 41 dealing with menapause ). If you start out with the above mentioned by Rozberry you will be ahead of the game once you hit my age range.

Jul 18, 2015

Roz X.

Thank you, Shelley. You bring up valid points as well. Do not go gentle into that good night! ;)

Jul 18, 2015

Tessandra R.

My mom has used an anti-aging cream since she was 16. It wasn't Garnier, but she is 43 and people think she's in her late 20s early 30s. imagine their surprise when they find out she has a 21, 17, and 3 year old daughter! Lol you absolutely can start it! Just go easy on applying it, in case your skin isn't used to thick creams! :)

Jul 19, 2015

Tiffany P.

I was a Mary Kay consultant for a while and we were always told 21 is the best age to start using anti aging there was some scientific reasoning behind it but I forgot what that was. Personally I just use an under eye cream (I'm 21) I feel like it helps when I apply my concealer too and the eye area is one of the first places skin begins to age. I would try something a bit lighter than a full on cream though. I'm not quite sure what the garnier is, I didn't look it up. My mom's situation is the same as Tessandras but she's 53 and has only me! Lol. She used olay and swears by it. When people ask her what her secret is she answers with Olay! Lol.

Jul 19, 2015

Tessandra R.

@Tiffany my mom uses Olay too! It's her holy grail brand!