Milk for facial?


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Aug 15, 2015

Joanna C.

So I've heard milk is supposed to be good for the skin because of the lactic acid which is in a lot of skincare products. Have any of you tried it and if so did it work and how do you apply it?

Aug 15, 2015

Amy H.

I use milk and gelatin as a pore strip but never heard of it in a face mask.

Aug 15, 2015

Emily P.

I wouldn't put straight milk on your face nessisarily because of all the hormoans in it would probably cause achne (especially teens) but I've heard milk baths are soothing and if you have that much milk go for it.

Aug 16, 2015

Aurora S.

I heard that it would help but then lactic acid is only prevalent when the milk starts to go bad. Regular/fresher milk has very little to no lactic acid I used to use powdered milk and added it to a bath, it made my skin soft because of the fats but it did nothing for exfoliating as far as the lactic acid.
I eventually bought a bottle of lactic acid and added a few drops to my bath

Aug 16, 2015

Alma M.

I've been using milk for years to help hydrate my skin when I get dry patches on my face,I use it when needed I apply milk or condensed milk.I apply it to my skin with a cotton ball let set on the face for 5 min then wash it off with a warm washcloth and dry areas are soften and gone.It's a old remedy and been used for years. :)