Hyaluronic acid orally


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Aug 18, 2015

K R.

Can taking hyaluronic acid orally make your skin look better??

Aug 18, 2015

Bailey G.

I would ask your doctor this question. It's never good to take health advice from the Internet, especially when it's about taking supplements (like biotin) because it may harm you in the long run.

Aug 18, 2015

Kendra H.

I agree with Bailey!
This really isn't a question you should be directing towards the Internet. Almost any supplement you take CAN be dangerous is not used correctly, or you take too much, if you use it too often, etc. Doctors are often way more qualified to know your specific body and health situation when it comes to this type of stuff. At they very least ask a dermatologist...

Aug 19, 2015

Natalie A.

I wouldn't take it internally, though it shouldn't harm you. There are moisturisers and masks that have hyaluronic acid in it, so you can use it externally, but I agree with Bailey- talk to your doctor

Aug 20, 2015

Brooke B.

I just started taking it orally if you arent already on it I'll keep you posted if I notice any difference in my skin.