Pimples (how to remove)


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Feb 18, 2013

Isabel H.

I have small pimples or whiteheads on and I'm wondering how to get rid of it fast. I use oil balancer and a morning scrub (exfoliater) morning and night except for morning scrub. Please help!! Their so uglyy😭

Feb 18, 2013

Mehak S.

Go visit a gud skin doc.. that would do wonders fr you.. dun fall blindly fr cosmetic products.

Feb 18, 2013

Carolyn S.

For on the surface acne I use a honey lemon mixture, apply and let sit.

Feb 19, 2013

Isabel H.

Thanks Carolyn, ill try that. If doesn't work ill definitely go to doctor. Thanks :)

Feb 19, 2013

Kimberly N.

You should only be exfoliating once or twice a week, everyday is bad for your skin!
Try mixing 1 tbsp of sea salt and 1 cup of water. Put it in a bottle and use it as a toner everyday for a week or two. Twice a day, put a bit on a cotton wipe and place a thin layer all over your face. It will dry out those white bumps. I only use it when I break out but I'm sure you could continue to use it as an everyday toner

Feb 19, 2013

Isabel H.

Kimberly, yes I do exfoliate only twice a week. I tried salt water before, didn't really work. Shay, thanks :)

Feb 19, 2013

Jazz B.

What's a toner?

Feb 20, 2013

Isabel H.

Toners are something you use after using face wash I think.. I don't use toners yets.

Feb 20, 2013

Isabel H.


Feb 22, 2013

Jazz B.

aha thank you :)

Feb 22, 2013

Megan G.

Toners balance the pH of the skin. They're helpful but not necessary. I use one only sometimes