Favorite face wash for acne?


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Feb 19, 2013

Kelly P.

Favorite brand? Face wash or face scrub or cream cleanser? For very problematic acne-prone skin.

Feb 19, 2013

Marilyn O.

Orjene organics CoQ10 cleanser is what I use. it also removes makeup. It's a foaming wash.

Feb 19, 2013

Kiara M.

I love clarity by mealaluca you can check out there website

Feb 19, 2013

Kann T.

St I've the olive oil or cucumber 1.

Feb 19, 2013

Kay C.

Clean and Clear

Feb 19, 2013

JoAnne A.

Murad's Acne line is supposed to be really good for people with acne. As well as Dermalogica.

Feb 19, 2013

Maddie S.

Clean and clear pink grapefruit! It has salicylic acid which is great for acne!

Feb 19, 2013

Grace V.

Neutragena the blue kind! I like the pink kind but if yiu have sensitive skin and breakout bad I would nit recommend that kind!

Feb 19, 2013

Olivia R.

Neutragena the purple and grey. I used to break out a lot espacially during my. But only had like 5 pimples since and it's been 4 years! And my skins sensitive. Also use the neutragena makeup remover and cleanser its babie blue it works really well.

Feb 19, 2013

Jada M.

Neutrogena all in one acne control. Used it for about a month and I haven't had a breakout since.

Feb 19, 2013

Georgia M.

Neutrogina acne wash. I love it. It works wonders on my skin! :)

Feb 19, 2013

Georgia M.

Oh, crud. I spelt that wrong. Lol sorry :)

Feb 19, 2013

Lizzy B.

Clearasil acne + marks, I won't buy anything else since I found this!

Feb 19, 2013

Georgia L.

Proactive! My skin is FLAWLESS from it! Worth every penny, I will never go without & my skin isn't even that bad on its own. I highly suggest it.

Feb 19, 2013

Kristan P.

Dermalogica is highly fragranted. so keeo that in mind. st ives is not a good product. have done product chemistry. just dont use it.

Feb 19, 2013

Kristan P.

Please what ever you do. dont use proactive... its been perched to me thru skin care professionals to stay away from that product line.

Feb 19, 2013

Alexis S.

Clinique Acne Care System, works like a charm (;

Feb 19, 2013

Emma E.

Clean and Clear, twice a day, it works wonders! :)p.

Feb 19, 2013

Emma E.


Feb 19, 2013

Sam N.


Feb 19, 2013

S V.

Glycerine soap + benzoyl peroxide 2.5% moisturizer.

Feb 19, 2013

Rhian S.

I've been using simple refreshing facial wash..there aren't many ingredients so less likely to irritate your skin. I've just started acutane.. and my acne has been quite bad in the past..

Feb 19, 2013

Bella B.

My fave, it leaves your face refreshed and oil-free

Feb 19, 2013

Christie R.

Cetaphill gentile skin cleanser works really well for me, I went of it for a while but my skin got worse, so I switched back to it a couple of weeks ago and I already see a difference!!

Feb 19, 2013

Marne M.

Clean & Clear. All their products work for my combination skin.