How To Get Black Hair Dye Out!!!!!!!!


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Jan 28, 2013

Nataly R.

How Do i Get Rid Of My Black Hair , Trying To Get Plantium Highlights!!

Jan 28, 2013

Hannah W.

in boots there is a hair strip called colour b4 it's brilliant removes any past 10 dark colours applied to hair and it doesn't dry hair out like the salon strip! ! I think it's about £11 highly recommend 

Jan 28, 2013

Amanda W.

Good luck black is very hard specially for platinum blonde! It will e a process off bleaching and waiting and bleaching until you get to the level of blonde you want :/ 

Jan 28, 2013

Priscilla D.

mix powder laundry detergent with head and shoulders dandruff shampoo it strips out the black completely, wash it as if its normal shampoo 1-2 times it should be out. 

Jan 28, 2013

Ave M.

Do not do that ^^^.

Go to a salon, you will ruin your hair if you use box bleach. In order to get it platinum you will need to have a full head bleach about 5 or 6 times (maybe more depending). Going from black to platinum is one of the hardest most hair damaging things you can do. 

Jan 28, 2013

Catherine W.

Whatever you do, DON'T attempt to strip your hair at home. Yes, there are products you can buy yourself, but the damage you will do will take a long time to grow out.
I had black hair for three years, and my ends were especially hard to lighten as they had absorbed the black from previous applications, whereas my roots had only absorbed one or two applications.
You will be best off going to a salon and seeing a colour expert. There will most likely be a process where they do it in steps as they will not want to completely destroy your hair.
Explain to them about your wish to get platinum highlights - they may do it for you or they may suggest waiting a short while after stripping out the black to ensure they don't further damage your hair.
You have to remember how harsh and damaging bleach can be. It may cost a little more by going to a salon, but your hair will thank you for it. I did it from home and my hair was constantly breaking, chipping, falling out and splitting.
Not to mention the fact I completely killed it, it looked like straw and it took nearly four years to grow it out back to its natural, healthy state.
You'll spend more money on it in the long run if you do it yourself, it's not worth it.

Jan 29, 2013

Kim S.

Go to the hairdressers definitely. It always ends in disaster. It's never gonna be easy. All these things people do at home damage your hair (fairy liquid, lemon juice, head and shoulders) so your hair's gonna be knackered before you even get to the bleaching part 

Jan 29, 2013

Jen H.

Lol at the person who recommended laundry detergent. I don't know what's worse: people who give crackpot advice or the people who follow it.

Seriously, don't do that to your hair! It's fairly common sense that if you put black hair color onto blonde hair that you'll have a hell of a time getting it out later. I'm a natural brunette and went black several years ago. The process of having it corrected: stripped out later was expensive and very damaging. For that reason alone, no matter how tempted I get, I'll never go black again. 

Jan 29, 2013

Alexis C.

go to a salon, may cost you a lil bit but from a stylist view its easier than trying to fix what you've done at home already without jepordizing the integrity of ur hair 

Jan 29, 2013

Jasmine P.

I'm a half expert in this situation. I've had black hair on and off for about 9 yrs. I've had it stripped professionally twice and done it myself 4 times. If you dont know what your doing go to a salon. It's really dangerous to do yourself and you can seriously f up your hair. When I do it I user powder bleach and developer from Sally's beauty supply and cut my hair to an a line before so there's less hair to strip. You basically have to apply the bleach and keep watching it. It generally takes me 8 hrs each time I've stripped it. All in all it's better to spend the money for a salon to do it. It's safer and not as harsh.