Laser Treatment for Pores?


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Feb 3, 2013

Amanda Y.

Hi everyone! So, I have just recently cleared up my acne but now my HUGE pores are bothering me!! I am aware that you cannot physically shrink the size of your pores at home. I exfoliate, steam, and wash my face well...I was just born with large pores :( I was wondering if anyone has any experience with laser treatments or maybe chemical peels and if they're worth it?

Feb 3, 2013

Jess L.

If your born with large pores you can not really shrink them. You can make them look small for a short period of time but that's about it.

Feb 3, 2013

Amanda Y.

So I guess there is really nothing I can do about them, huh? x( But thanks!

Feb 3, 2013

Kathryn L.

pixel or fraxel resurfacing can really help reduce the appearance of pore size. microdermabrasion is also a more temporary solution. I am a certified laser tech/aesthetician so I have seen amazing results in my clients' skin with these treatments. good luck!

Feb 4, 2013

Amanda Y.

@Kathryn Wow thanks so much! I will look into that :)

Feb 4, 2013

Kathryn L.

No prob. sweetie!

Feb 4, 2013

Erica A.

Co2 frax laser. A lot of down time and it literally BLOWS of your skin but works wonders. Make sure you go to a decent place bc they treatment is no joke. 

Feb 4, 2013

Amanda Y.

@Erica It looks really intense!! Thank you so much for your advice :)