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CLICK HERE FOR MORE CHALKING TIPS & TRICKS: http://www.kandeej.com/2012/02/hair-color-how-to-hair-chalking.html
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CLICK HERE FOR MORE CHALKING TIPS & TRICKS: http://www.kandeej.com/2012/02/hair-color-how-to-hair-chalking.html
Hi guys! Here's a fun tutorial on how temporary color your hair, ombre color the ends of your hair, add color streaks to your hair, using "hair chalking".
Hair chalking is not new, but I thought it is so fun and it really works to color your hair.
It is a little messy- so just keep that in mind- may not be the best idea to do this when it's raining outside! Ha Ha HA
All you need is"
A water bottle (optional)
Soft Pastels Chalk (like from the art store)
*DO NOT USE OIL PASTELS - it will stain the hair.
*a flat iron or curling iron to seal the color in
Protective Gloves
And then just have fun coloring your hair! This is a really fun way to try out a hair color before you commit to doing it more permanently. So have fun doing ombre color to your hair, adding color highlights or strips- just be careful it doesn't get all over your pillow case!
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Have a good hair day and tons of fun, huge hugs, kandee
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May 19, 2013
Ana luccia R.
que genial!!
Jan 26, 2013
Evie R.
Gonna try this!
Dec 15, 2012
Savannah S.
You're so cute :') I loved the teal green against your hair too!
Oct 21, 2012
Maddie B.
i have dark hair like you and when i tested it out it looked beautiful...thanks for the tutoria!!!!
Oct 11, 2012
Tesla C.
That is so cool. I have always wanted to try it. Now I know how!
Aug 24, 2012
Shalon Shyrelle A.
it's cool but i'm wondering... i'm a black chick with really thick really curly hair... d o u think its gonna work on me?
Aug 21, 2012
Jasmine chantel L.
absolutely love it!
Aug 14, 2012
Deja J.
This is awesome. I will definitely try it =)
Aug 8, 2012
Emily S.
I did it on my hairr and it looks really really awesome thanks!(:
Jul 31, 2012
Vanessa A.
Love it