My poor eyelashes!


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May 2, 2014

Sabrina N.

My eyelashes are rather stumpy. Don't make fun. /.\ how can I grow them?

May 2, 2014

Nadia B.

Put castor oil or ricin oil before you go to bed. Test it for a month and see if you notice a difference but you have to be patient. Patience is the key of success :)

May 2, 2014

Christina C.

What ever you do just don't use Vaseline, it doesn't help grow them at all.

May 2, 2014

Sabrina N.

Will the oil grow them?

May 2, 2014

Kat A.

Nothing has been proven to grow lashes other than Latisse. don't use Vaseline, it's a sealant. it seals in bacteria & may cause an eye infection :/ oils just condition your lashes, they don't make them grow long either.

May 2, 2014

Hannah K.

Nothing will help your lashes grow except Latisse, anything else simply gives the illusion of growth due to product build up.

May 2, 2014

Lisa S.

Well the only thing that will make your eyelashes grow is Latisse. Do not, I repeat DO NOT put vaseline or castor oil or anything else because it doesn't make you lashes grow and can be harmful for your eyes. Try curling your eyelashes if you don't already to help them appear longer but curl your lashes before mascara or you will rip out your lashes😨. Also, what mascara are you currently using? I used a mascara about two years ago and it ruined my lashes, once I quit using it my lashes looked so much better, but while I waited for them to get back to their orignal length, I started using Rimmel Lash Accelerator and I really did notice that it made my lashes stronger (not longer). As for good lengthening mascaras I love Buxom Waterproof (I'll post a pic of the one I like), L'Oreal Butterfly Waterproof, and Too Faced Better Than Sex.

May 2, 2014

Sabrina N.

Thank you ladies very much. I will stray away from Vaseline and oil. I'm currently using the Rimmel mascara in the orange tube.

May 2, 2014

Nadia B.

I had a bad experience with a fake lashes. So went they fel out all of my natural eyelashes disappear so I went to a pharmacies and the pharmacist gave me raw ricin oil and he says put it before you go to bed it will helps you to get back your lashes quicker and it works for me just a few weeks later all of my eyelashes was back and strength. I know it's not because it works for that it will work for you that's why I said see if you notice a difference because everyone is different. Since this day I'm doing a cure to strengthen my lashes with 1 month ricin oil bed time

May 2, 2014

Nadia B.

By the way using chemical product won't make a durable change, natural is always better. And of course you have to be diligent.

May 2, 2014

Nadia B.

Sorry my English is very bad

May 2, 2014

Mizz Mea M.

I heard people talking good things about the mascara from younique. You can try that mascara.

May 2, 2014

Sabrina N.

So I use that oil every night?

May 2, 2014

Elizabeth F.

Hi, Sabrina!

This I'm sorry that you're having a hard time with this! I work at an eye clinic and one of the most frequently asked questions that we get from women is "How can I make my eyelashes longer?" so, you are certainly not alone.

The ophthalmologist that I work for often asks patients with this issue about their daily beauty routine. Mascaras are safe for the eyes, but some of them a as specially waterproof formulas--can be harsh on your eyelashes, if you wear them everyday. I often hear her advocate skipping mascara one or two days a week to give your eyelashes a little break. sometimes, just doing that or quitting mascara all-together for a couple of weeks will really strengthen your eyelashes, resulting in less broken or fallen lashes.

It's also possible that your current eye makeup removal methods are too harsh. You should not be rubbing or scrubbing to get your mascara off. Doing so can actually break-off eyelashes or pull them out completely. Rubbing also pulls harshly at the delicate skin of your eyelids and can contribute to fine lines and wrinkles over time. Make sure that you are soaking a cotton ball or pad with makeup remover and then gently pressing it to your closed eye for several seconds before you begin to gently stroke it over your eyelids. This will really give the makeup remover time to loosen-up your mascara and eyeliner, which makes for easier, more gentle removal.

If you've already tried everything I've described without success, it maybe time to go see your ophthalmologist and ask about a proven lash growth serum, such as Latisse. That stuff will cost you, and it takes several weeks of faithful use to get the full effect, but it really, truly does work. I used it myself for a while and had amazing, doll-like eyelashes while I did, but unfortunately for me, it made my dry eye problems worse and I had to stop. It might be a really good option for you, though!

May 2, 2014

Nadia B.

Gently with a cotton bud I close my eyes and put some oil. Don't put to much because when you'll open your eyes you'll have a weird felling and we don't want that :)
I recently bought a clear mascara for a 1€ and I washed the product in it I left it dry for couple of hour and I've put the oil instead of, like that it easier to apply

May 2, 2014

Sabrina N.

Well one time I used oil and it made my vision blurry? So I don't know.

May 2, 2014

Nadia B.

If you had a bad experience with oil don't use it. Like I said everyone is different something can work for you but not for me. so listen to a professional I think it will be better because the eyes area is very sensitive

May 2, 2014

Sabrina N.

Okay. :)

May 2, 2014

Alyx T.

Don't use ANY oil or Vaseline on your lashes. Oil will clog your pores and breed bacteria like crazy. It can result in infections on, around or in your eye. And that is never a good thing.

May 3, 2014

Aubrey C.

Coconut oil is safe to use, however I wouldn't recommend any other oils.
LIGHTLY take a Q-tip and get a tiny bit of coconut oil on it, and put it on the OUTER part of your lashes - not too close to your eyeball.
No, this will not make them grow fast - however it will condition and strengthen them which will help prevent breakage, which in turn will allow them to be longer before breaking off.

Are you someone who touches your eyes a lot, or picks at your mascara? I know people who do this and it will break your lashes and pull them out. If you do this try to not touch your eyes as much and be very gentle with your lashes. You might see an improvement.