What age did you start wearing makeup?


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May 4, 2014

Urte J.

What age did you start wearing makeup?:) I think I was 13 when I started wearing mascara.

14/15 when I started wearing foundation 🙊

May 4, 2014

Nikki S.

Just mascara when I was 12!

May 4, 2014

Zahra M.

Well... I built it up! Lipgloss at 10/11. I also wore sparkly eyeliner on special occasions at 11. At 12 I wore mascara, lipgloss, pink lipstick on special occasions, nude eyeshadows and sometimes went crazy :/, I also wore pencil/liquid eyeliner/sparkly eyeliner! Now at 13, I've added moderate colour eyeshadows with blues and pinks and I made DIY blush with loose powder and moisturiser, I also wear that too, on a daily basis! I'm currently trying to find a perfect fresh pink-ish nude lipstick for everyday wear, suggest some please if any come into mind! Now looking back on it, I think I wear too much at a young age but makeup makes me feel confident. #girlpower

May 4, 2014

Beth W.

I started wearing full face makeup at 12 x

May 4, 2014

Sadie G.

9 :p wearing mascara.

May 4, 2014

Gretel T.


May 4, 2014

Sanjana N.

I started full face makeup when I was 17 I guess.. before that I used to wear make-up on special occasions very rarely..

May 4, 2014

Lloren G.

12 and I only like wore lipgloss.

May 4, 2014

Annely B.

With 11 lipbalm but I don't think that's makeup so with 12/13 I used powder and mascara :)

May 4, 2014

Nadia B.

Mascara and gloss at 15/16 and full face at 19/20 I guess

May 4, 2014

Noemie C.

^^^ like Nadia. I started to do a full face makeup a few months not even a year yet! & I did my first attempt to contouring in January for my 20th bday :) I'm all new in this world. I even start doing my brow like a year ago! Lol.

May 4, 2014

Priscilla C.

I was 15. I first started with mascara, then a few months later I started with foundation

May 4, 2014

Mhairi M.

Started experimenting with foundation when I was 12,would go out the house wearing about 3shades too dark for me with a big line under my chin where foundation ended and skin began, thinking I looked the bees knees, I've come a long way since then thankfully lol

May 4, 2014

Andriana D.

I wearing lip gloss at the age of 7 because I was in a ballet class and we gave many performances. But full face 12+ and only when I was going to a party, wedding etc.

May 4, 2014

Andriana D.

Ooppsss... missed a word there :@

May 4, 2014

Alecia J.

16, I only really started recently lol, and it still sort of scares me if I go out with like eyeliner or something in because both I and other people aren't used to it.

May 4, 2014

Lyra L.

When I was 13 I started wearing lipgloss and mascara

May 4, 2014

Olivia K.


May 4, 2014

Olivia K.

I was able to wear lipgloss whenever I wanted!

May 4, 2014

Vanessa T.

12! Maybe even 11 lol I don't remember

May 4, 2014

Bailey G.

I started with mascara and eyeliner when I was 16, added eyeshadow and concealer when I was 18, then I just finally started doing a full, proper face like 9 months ago. I was too scared to ever try foundation 😕

May 4, 2014

Amy A.

16 I believe. And it was just mascara. A little bit later I added foundation but it was some weird powder foundation and I didn't really know what I was doing haha >.< I'm 21 now, still not that good at it but I hope better than then! :

May 4, 2014

Yang S.


May 4, 2014

Jocelyn S.

Like high school age I was wearing foundation, eyeshadow and mascara. Finally at 25 I'm actually wearing lipstick and blush and doing a full face.