What palette should I get?


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May 3, 2014

Eleanor S.

I'm looking for a makeup palette and I can't decide whether to buy a naked palette or the two faced chocolate palette? I'm really pale! Could anyone help??

May 3, 2014

Hannah K.

Which colors do you like most? I personally think that the Chocolate Bar would be a little more well rounded, and easy to work with, whereas the Naked range is only good if you like specific color families.

May 3, 2014

Ty R.

I agree. The chocolate palette is more versatile.

May 3, 2014

Bailey G.

I'm so over the Naked palette hype. Go for the Chocolate Bar palette.

May 3, 2014

Grace K.

Chocolate Bar for sure! Way easier to work with as far as color selection.

May 3, 2014

Rachel M.

Chocolate palette would be a no no for me just because it smells like chocolate. I hate scented products but if it doesn't bother you go for it!

May 3, 2014

Hannah W.


May 3, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

If you like ahimmer the naked palette if you don't like as much the chicolate palette, for me personally I prefer the naked palette over the chocolate.

May 3, 2014

Samantha C.

I love my Naked Palette! Everybody seems to be over the hype, but it seems to be worth the hype to me!

May 3, 2014

Emily L.

Chocolate Bar!

May 3, 2014

Destiny A.

I have the naked palette 2 and it's great! I think you should try going for it. I say the naked palette.

May 3, 2014

Lisa S.

Can't go wrong with either. But I love my Naked 3...💕

May 3, 2014

Eleanor S.

Thanks!?? really helpful!

May 3, 2014

Lisa S.

I agree that there is a huge hype for Naked Palettes but in my opinion they are worth it and I haven't had any complaints with any of mine. Personally I think Lorac is completely over hyped, I own two of their palettes and I will always choose my Naked palettes over them because they do not last (and thats with using primers). I guess its just a preference but I always choose what makeup to buy from reviews and also how they are in person vs buying online.

May 3, 2014

Eleanor S.

OK! thanks

May 3, 2014

Sunny J.

I agree with @Hannah. I have the Nakeds and LORAC PRO. I like the LORAC PRO best. Good color pay off.

May 3, 2014

Robyn S.

I have the Naked 1 and 2, and I love both of them, but they are all neutral colors. I personally think the Chocolate Bar palette is more versatile, so if you want something that can create looks with more color, I would go with the Chocolate Bar.

May 4, 2014

Amanda P.

chocolate bar??

May 4, 2014

Amanda P.

Okk..oops I ment to put hearts..lol
deff. get the too faced

May 5, 2014

Maggie M.

I have all 3 naked palettes and the chocolate bar palette. I think it depends on what colors you wear the most. I would recommend either though