So...what is this!?...


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May 5, 2014

Isela R.

I started getting little bumps on my forehead then I stopped using makeup for 2 weeks but they look the same and have gone down to my cheeks and on the sides of mt chin and I'm sure they're not pimples anything that can help get rid of them.. they had said it was bc of stress but who knows.

May 5, 2014

Haley S.

Who is "they"?

May 5, 2014

Emily W.

Is it a rash? Are there any other symptoms, e.g. redness, itching? If so, it may be a reaction to something. Have you changed anything else besides not wearing makeup (used a new face wash, lotion, etc)?

It could be a phenomenon known as purging-- your skin is able to breathe without makeup and is now pushing all of the ickiness that was trapped in your pores to the surface. This shouldn't last very long, and generally can be treated with gentle exfoliation and acne products.

May 5, 2014

Breeze T.

I got something similar to what you described as a reaction to the first strong rays of sun in the spring (it was red and slightly itchy, for the record). I went to my dermatologist and started using a good spf (I used the Biotherm spf 30 Sun Vivo for the face). My dr. told me to get this cream, Ceramol Beta Complex and the face wash of the same brand (you can only find it in Italy and Germany but it's awesome!) and it got rid of my problem. I don't know if what you have is the same, I wish I could help more!

May 5, 2014

Olivia D.

It's natural in some people, I have them on my jaw line and never have I ever worn makeup there - it's do to with hormones, in females especially it's particularly common because of the certain levels of hormones in our body. Of course it could e a reaction etc.etc.but I know it's natural in me.

May 5, 2014

R B.

I recommend you see a dr. We can only guess...