Any products to help with hair tangles?


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May 3, 2014

Beth F.

Hey girls, my hair is VERY fine and tangles very easily. Especially after I wash it (even if I brush it prior). Do you know any products or tips to help keeping the knots out of my hair?

May 3, 2014

Leslie S.

It's a 10 leave in, and using a wet brush, they are amazing for tangles

May 3, 2014

Diana T.

I like the not your mothers detangler spray.

May 3, 2014

Alma M.

Oh I want to see all the suggestions my hair gets tangled all the time,my hair looks like a witch who went on crazy broom ride! Ugh.

May 3, 2014

Beth F.

Thanks Leslie , it's a 10 has great hair products.

May 3, 2014

Beth F.

@Diana thanks girl, their stuff is fairly priced. I'll try it out

@Alma, my hair is so horrible. I'll have a huge knot in the back that looks like I got gum stuck in it haha. Hopefully these products help us both haha

May 3, 2014

Alma M.

Omg Beth that's my hair too (a nest on my head) its so bad when I wake up I have Russell brand hair lol I can't stand it lets hope these ladies can recuse our hair. :-)

May 3, 2014

Diana T.

Oh yeah super cheap n ULTA always has BOGO sales on them too.

May 3, 2014

Alma M.

Thanks ladies :-) and thank you Beth for making this thread.

May 3, 2014

Alyx T.

I really like the loreal total 5 repair or whatever it's called, the leave in conditioner always makes my hair tangle free.
There's also an option to make your own with coconut oil, like in this video.

May 3, 2014

Beth F.

Thanks Alyx :) I'll read some reviews and get to choosing

Alma I've needed to ask this question forever , I can't even drive with my windows and hair down unless I'm prepared to deal with a huge tangled birds nest afterwards haha. Hopefully I find use in these products suggested

May 3, 2014

Roz X.

Definitely the "It's a 10". Makes your hair soft. I'd also buy a Wet Brush. They don't snag or snap when dentangling and is perfect for blow outs. Equally stellar on dry hair. $7-9 bucks at Sally's, Walmart or Target. :)

May 3, 2014

Roz X.


May 3, 2014

Monique R.

So my hair is really curly. And also gets ridiculously tangled 24/7. I guess I have "cuticle damage" whatever that is. And I use the same product I use to style my hair, to detangle it. It's called cantu leave in conditioner. & when I put it on before I brush my hair it makes it a million times easier. Otherwise I will spend like 30 minutes just trying to get the knots out. -_- & it's only like 5 dollars a jar. :)

May 3, 2014

Jessica P.

In sure that a detangler found in the baby section of a drugstore would help as well.

May 3, 2014

Alma M.

Rozberry,I was going to ask about a brush thanks I'll look for that. :-) Anything to tame the beast I have on my head lol and thanks ladies for sharing info.