John frieda opinion?


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Apr 29, 2014

Anissa J.

I was at that french shop and got all of that for 12€ so happy!
What do you think about this brand?
So excited to try that out.

Apr 29, 2014

Asma A.

Les 4 pour 12€? Bonne affaire! En tout cas ça définit bien les boucles et ça "lisse" la matière du cheveu. J'aime :) (j'espère que ça gêne personne que je parle français)

Apr 29, 2014

Cami F.

I love the Frizze Eaze Calming Creme! It's a lovely, lovely product for my curly, frizzy hair. I apply it to the tips on my hair and a tiny amount on any other frizz spots when it's a bit wet and I never have to worry about my hair! The whole line seems quite good though. Lucky you!

Apr 29, 2014

Anissa J.

Madyln I'll sure let you know about that :)
Asma ouais a auchan il y avait des reductions! Merci j'ai tellement hate de les essayer! non ca me gene personne :)
Thanks a lot Cami I'll try them an post about it to give my opinion :)

Apr 29, 2014

Asma A.

Je vais y faire un tour alors! Merci 😘

Apr 29, 2014

Roz X.

I like the line very much. Nice haul!

Apr 29, 2014

R B.

I love there products! They work well!!