A dumb question?


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Apr 27, 2014

Tori S.

Do you have to tease the "bump" part or do you just push up and pin? Pictorials would be helpful. Thank you 😘

Apr 27, 2014

Miss M.

To get more of a full effect in the bump you should tease it - when you push it up with just a ion it leaves some bits open and there is not hair underneath to give the impression it is full and there is not such thing as a dumb question

Here's a link to how to do it and a couple vids- https://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080213222507AAKCF7l

Hope that helps

Apr 27, 2014

Miss M.

Here's a couple links that can show you how to do it :) good luck


Apr 27, 2014

Miss M.

None of those links work- 😫😤

Let's try this one

You can also go on you tube have many vids on how to do it

Apr 27, 2014

Ellie J.

You don't HAVE to tease but it does create more volume, to get the bump I suggest drying your hair so it sort of has no parting, this always seems to make it easier for me x

Apr 27, 2014

Shannon S.

But a bump it

Apr 27, 2014

Caitriona H.

Or you can make or buy a rat if you have leftover extensions

Apr 27, 2014

Courtney G.

If you don't want to tease because it dose ruin your hair try a backcome powed of vo5's plump it up spary xox

May 3, 2014

Shannon S.

Lol yeah I meant guy

May 3, 2014

Shannon S.
