Young, Passionate and Curious.


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Dec 5, 2012

Lindsay O.

Hey Kayleen! You and I are pretty much in the same situation. I'm also sixteen, and since about last year I've really gotten into makeup. You should totally look up these gurus I watch on YouTube. As I said before, since about last year I have gotten really into makeup (more than just the basics.) and have started thinking about making a YouTube. Don't be afraid of what others have to say. Cyber bullying happens all the time, but they won't truly know what an awesome guru you will turn out to be! I also, have taught myself and gotten experience from my mom, whom was also a cosmetologist. I'd love to hear more about you becoming a YouTube guru. Def. go for it :)
Here are the names: emilynoel83
These are my favorite people. Macbarbie07 is actually our age too!

Dec 5, 2012

Nora W.

Kayleen- This is a really good time for you to get your foot in the door working at a place like Sephora or a makeup counter at a department store. During the holiday season they are always hiring "seasonal" help. Often times if you can get in with a company during this time, you will have a chance to express your interest in becoming full time, and if you work hard try to prove yourself its likely they will keep you. If I were you I would try to get in the one of these companies now, which will help you gain real world "hands on" experience, a well as starting a Youtube channel. It takes time to gain a following on Youtube, but stick with it. I would think of all the makeup tips/question/reviews I have searched Youtube for without finding satisfying results and try to make videos that cater to those unfulfilled areas.  

Dec 5, 2012

Alma M.

I started about over 20 years ago I did my first makeover at 13 yrs old and went on from there.of course I didn't have YouTube our social media I had to learn from scratch and just practice, practice,practice.I read books and magazines,I would just stare at the models faces and try to achieve the look and as for foundations I would buy every color and mix.I'm in love with the art of makeup and always will be.what I'm saying is if you feel it's what you really like then keep going no matter the age and soak in everything that has to do with makeup and faces.if you feel you want to go to school then do it and if not just keep up with practice but not just with your face, try asking friends to practice on.keep an open mind you will always be learning trust me, it seems like fun but you have to really be sure this is your calling,it has it's pros and's your beauty business and what ever you feel is best to improve yourself just do store counters or not it's all about your skills and talent :-) good luck

Go to school for it. Work at a counter. YouTube has a very short shelf life, & can be very very hard to get in with viewers. There has been an incredible influx of girls on the Internet with the same goal lately! Hands on experience is what will make you a true artists. See if you can intern/ follow around a local makeup artist to see if you love the field! Just be passionate & persistent & you will make it! 

Dec 6, 2012

Dawn R.

Sorry you guys feel that way about MAC artists I used to work for them and tried to treat everyone very equal. There is some good advice given here. I do believe it's all about proving yourself. If you can network get to know people someone somewhere will take a chance on you if you are passionate. That's how I got on with MAC I got the counter manager to take a chance on me. I worked there they cosmetology school. This is a tough business but if you have the passion and drive you will be a huge success!!! 

Dec 6, 2012

Erica L.

I agree with Dawn. It's frustrating to hear that clients aren't being treated equally at MAC. One of the things I hear on an almost daily basis is that I'm one of the nicest MAC artists- I've been to other MAC counters without letting them know I work for MAC and have gotten some mixed results.