Easy hairdo and makeup.


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Apr 23, 2014

R B.

I'm fighting sickness and need simple easy to do hair and make up so I look decent. I have thick hair and sensitive skin. Thank you!! ðŸ˜„

Apr 23, 2014

M G.

always a bun:)

Apr 23, 2014

R B.

I normally do a messy bun... Anything else?? Oh and Renay T. I love the eye look you posted! Do you know the colors used? Thanx sooo much!!

Apr 23, 2014

Kat A.

Ponytail, some sort of braid (waterfall, fish tail, etc), overnight curls or waves.

Apr 23, 2014

Denali E.

I would say a slicked back pony tail or bun. I hate messy hair when I'm sick because when its in my face I feel all stuffy and annoyed and for night I usualy have mine down (trying to grow it out) but I find when I'm sick I braid it at night (again;its out of the face bun comfy)
and for makeup I hate wearing it when I'm sick because my eyes get sensitive so IF I do I wear just a pressed powder (witch gives slight bronzing) mascara, lip color, and blush (sometimes)
but of course your different from me so if you can handle more makeup when sick of course just add light amounts of the products you "need" or want, and youll be good :) its really just about comfort. do what feels nice

Apr 23, 2014

R B.

What should I do with my bangs if I don't want to just clip them back?

Apr 24, 2014

R B.

So thanx guys for the ideas but what what is a quick way to do my bangs if I don't just want to clip them back??^

Apr 24, 2014

Denali E.

If their long enough you can kinda half french braid the to the side I don't know what its called but then you can do pretty much anything with the rest of your hair, like you would if I wernt braided. :)

Apr 24, 2014

Denali E.

You can also play around with it. you can do diferent style braids, you can braid it with your hair all the way to the tips for a long braid (which is super cute if your leaving your hair down and straight :)

Apr 24, 2014

Denali E.

Don't know what it is called but its like your bangs are half french braided to the side, its pretty easy to figure out but you can always find help on you tube. its also a greath hairstlye to play with. if you do it like in the pic, you can do almost anything with the rest of your hair. but you can also braid its into your hair and all the way to the tips, thats super cute with down straight hair. and you can always do it with different kinds of braids (waterfall, snake, etc.)

Apr 24, 2014

Denali E.

Sorry. it said it didnt post the first time so I redid it... sorry for the same post twice!! I feel dumb x/