Indie Lee skin care and other product ideas?


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Mar 20, 2014

Sheena B.

Has anyone else with oily skin tried any more of the indie Lee products? I tried their facial oil and so far it's amazing! It has actually made my oily skin stop producing so much oil. I have very sensitive skin and anything touching it will break it out lol my face is immensely cleared up since using the facial oil. So just was wondering if anyone knew another good product to lighten acne scars. Preferably along the same natural lines as Indie Lee. Thank you!

Mar 20, 2014

Roz X.

So glad you found something effective that you love. Thank you for sharing. :)

Wow thank you so much. I love reading stories like this. BTW the Squalane Facial Oil really helped lighten my acne scars that I had on my chin. xo, Indie.

Mar 21, 2014

Sheena B.

Omg! thats so cool!! never expected to hear from you! I LOVE the Squalane oil! I'm curious to know should I be using other moisturizers underneath it or serum or just using the oil by itself?

I love the Squalane oil, too. I tell everyone 'it changed my life'! Have you tried the new Swiss Apple Serum? I use it at under my Squalane Oil; Cleanse, Serum, Squalane and then Eye Balm. 