Baking soda question!


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Mar 21, 2014

Sarah C.

Is it ok to use baking soda for a face mask or scrub? Thanks 😊👍!

Mar 21, 2014

Faith J.

No, it will just harm your skin more

Mar 21, 2014

Sarah C.

Oh wow! How does it do that?

Mar 21, 2014

Sarah C.

Ohhh okay! Gotcha!!

Mar 21, 2014

Sarah C.

Thanks girl!

Mar 21, 2014

Sarah C.

Ooooo 😏! That's sounds really good. Alrighty! 👍😊

Mar 21, 2014

Stephanie F.

Jacqlyn is right. Baking soda would leave your skin dry and leave possible dry spots. The plain oats and yogurt she suggested would probably work great!