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Mar 21, 2014
Lynzie B.
I really can't read that at all.
Mar 21, 2014
Lynzie B.
I don't but I've read hydrocortisone cream can help with the eczema.
Mar 21, 2014
MaKenzie T.
I would ask Kitty about the diy; however I have advice about confidence.
I am a plus size woman, I work out everyday and eat fresh foods, I am just bigger than others. I have had major confidence prodlblems in the past, becasue being bigger, where I live, you get looks and get made fun of. That being said, you have to just learn to love yourself. Learn to care about people, but not necessarily about their opinions of you. You are a beautiful individual, and your talented and smart, so don't allow what others say to get to you. if you want to wear a dress do it then chic. It's your clothing. Hope this helped girlie. Have a marvelous day, loveya!:))))<3
Mar 21, 2014
MaKenzie T.
Thank you darling! Same goes to you beautiful.You have to remember that there are going to be peiple that are mean, we just have to deal with it.. :)))) Don't let it bother you...
Mar 21, 2014
Caitriona H.
I couldn't read what it said but if this is about confidence then I might repeat something I said on a different thread. "Every once in a while in our pursuit of happiness its good to stop and just be happy" what I mean by this is instead of trying to change to be happy just stop and love you. There's always going to be someone in this world with something nasty to say to you but its your responsibility to shrug it off and be like "fuck them I'm fabulous." The only person that needs to love you is yourself. Buutt having said that I think its also important to spend time not being so self involved, try to notice 3 things you like about each person you meet everyday. It will get you to stop focusing on your own hang ups and to think of others a bit more :)
Ps: if none of that works just remember that everyone is as self obsessed as each other so unless you point it out people won't generally notice because they'll be thinking about their own shit haha
Mar 21, 2014
Caitriona H.
Oh and pps: I have lots of scars everywhere but I love them, they tell a story and they look pretty cool in my opinion.
Mar 21, 2014
Caitriona H.
Noo problem beautiful :) I know how hard it can be being self conscious, things get better the older you get though I promise (although thats to do with the brain growing and developing). If you're a teen then its perfectly normal to be aware of things anyway. David Elkind has a theoy that There's a stage teenagers go through where they think that they are constantly being watched and looked at((which is why appearances matter so much)) so if you're in school just remember that and know that everyone around you is going through the same psychological phase haha.
Mar 21, 2014
Roz X.
I have had psoriasis since I was 9. It peaked in high school...covering both of my legs from ankle to azz. Like an alligator. *sigh* My elbows...entire torso..scalp and at times..between the fingers or on my forehead. Dermatology has seen damn near miraculous advances and treatments since then! You ever see "The Craft"? Yeah, I've been through that as well..and my lower back is one of many battle zones. I know the physical and emotional pain skin diseases bring about. The itching and bleeding..the flaking and cracking. Feels like it's nevah gonna get better! *hug* Catarina is absolutely right. Life leaves us full of all sorts of scars. Let them serve as reminders of what you have overcome and indeed, they do give people character!
Old school Medications stained me legs were red and purple. I have deep scars..stetchmarks from years of steroid use, which thins the flesh..and so please trust me when I say that I understand. My high school uniform..prom..yeah..I've been there. Today, I have but a few small patches and a scalp that flares up...thank the Lord. I rocked some mad cool black tights back then! *struts*
Invest in a licensed, patient and well respected derm. An excellent derm never ever shrugs with a b.s. "Can't help you/I don't know." My derm TODAY is brilliant and honestly changed my life. You can do the same.
Use medication sparingly and follow instructions to the letter. Be diligent...don't miss appointments. Stay on top of things.
Avoid triggers - Sand, dust, most shampoos, soaps and conditioners, detergents, fabric softener...even cigarette smoke or smoke from the grill/bonfire can worsen your condition.
Use 100% cotton whenever possible.
Allergens..ugh..they're everywhere so speak to your derm on ways you can protect yourself.
Stress. This is my own biggest trigger. Avoiding it is impossible, but reducing THAT you can do. Long distance walking and These are my own way to calm myself. So find what energizes your spirits and what relaxes you..and incorporate it into your life with a passion.
Booze and dairy are big triggers for some..especially those with Atopic Eczema.
Accept that this is hereditary and it is not your fault.
Be optimistic. Many sufferers see vast improvement as they get older! I'm proof that even that which has no cure does not mean change and tremendous improvement are not possible! Dreams DO come true! mad. Like CRAY CRAY, Gurl.
Oatmeal alleviates itching. Vitamin E...raw oats..make a paste.
Use a natural oil and wrap any areas flared up in generic plastic wrap...after showering and drying off. This speeds healing and reduces scaling. Leave the wrap on a few hours. I sometimes sleep with a wrap. Be sure to shower right after.
Cooler showers and bathing with natural oil scrubs keeps skin from drying out.
Diet and immune health. So important. Up your Zinc, C and B intake and incorporate Omega 3 and Vitamin well as drinking water with lemon into your diet. Drink water like mad!
Pool chemicals...salt water..ugh. So drying. I swim every single day in summer so if you sure to counter all that dryness.
Make sure your sheets and pillowcases are not percale. Percale contains polyester...aka knit plastic...and does not permit skin to breathe. It also encourages sweating which brings on surface bacteria...causing flare ups. I change my cotton sheets religiously..every 3rd day. Trust me, those dust mites? They leave feces which is an irritant/allergen. No thanks.
About the scars. Dermablend is waterproof and highly effective in covering scars. Always test any cosmetic before you buy it..especially concealer. I see mine soon and if you like, I will see if she can recommend a concealer for body scars that is gentle.
Remember that you are loved. This is often difficult to do when we are down. Get your hugs on!
I believe in the power of prayer and positive energy as a whole. We often get back what we put out there. Make a point to keep an open mind and stop yourself if you catch a harsh or petty judgment of someone..even if it is just in thought.
Better yourself through forgiveness, education, art, compassion. When we work on ourselves, when we are charitable, active in self improvement of the mind and body...we are less focused on others' flaws and our own shortcomings. I promise you, a day at a soup kitchen is a valuable reminder of what is truly important and all that we have to be grateful for. When we are grateful and helpful..we are strong and joyful.
Pity those who would mock or stare. Rise above the frays of their ignorance.
I know this is tough to believe right now, but an enormous percentage of what you are self-conscious about now will mean nothing 10 years from now. Zip! I'm completely serious.
Lastly, forgive and love yourself. Accept that you won't always be perfect. Rock what you enjoy..what makes you feel good...hoping others like it..but not needing them to. If you can work at that..little by'll grow to be confident, strong, free spirited and a hell of a lot of fun to be around. <3
Mar 21, 2014
Delaney K.
I don't know about the exzema or dark spots so I'm sorry but as for the confidence I know its hard but try not to care. you are who you are and you should let that shine through. I honestly don't think people will stare or make fun of you for wearing a dress. dressing up can actually help you feel more confident and pretty. honestly I love makeup and at the high school I went to the girls never really wore a whole lot so I would just kinda practice on the weekends and do neutral looks for school and finally I got the confidence to just do what I wanted and wear full face and I got such good feedback and I thought everyone would be like uhh what are doing but just go for it people can surprise you and you shouldn't let the judgement of others influence you or what you want.