Naked palette 3 MOTD.


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Mar 14, 2014

Kimberley D.

Not the best photo but I'm obsessed right now with trying out looks/colours with this palette today I went pink :) opinions would be great!

Mar 14, 2014

Hannah K.

Which colors did you use, and where? To me personally, it seems as though when all like-toned colors are used on the eyes it doesn't create a sense of definition. It could simply be the picture, but it appears to me that there's only really one shade, all over the lid. It's hard to see any distinction of colors within the look. Am I making sense? I'd add a darker shade, possibly in the crease or on the outer third of your eye, just to give some depth and contrast to your eyeshadow. I hope this helps you :)

Mar 14, 2014

Janae H.

I would suggest adding a lot more depth than just a quick wash of pink. The palette has so many pretty colors to work and create with

Mar 14, 2014

Meagan M.

Naked 3 does that. Most people seem to have that it's because of the shades being used and the lighting. It will look vibrant and defined in person. But in pictures it looks all one color and mild. But lighting is key!

Mar 14, 2014

Kimberley D.

I went with the 2 pinkish colours on the palette and kinda blended it, my lighting in this picture is really bad I also added white to highlight the corner of my eye and near the brow. Thanks for the comments and I totally get about using a darker colour I was just going for a light look and experimenting :) thanks girls!:) xo

Mar 14, 2014

Naz L.

I say blending a darker colour in your crease or outer corner