What can I do about my hollow eyes?/:


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Mar 16, 2014

Andrea P.

I have very deep set eyes/ hollow... I'm very insecure of it, I know they have fillers but I can't do that... any tips?/:

Mar 16, 2014

Kaleigh D.

Avoid dark colors on your lids and in the crease. Put a lighter color on the inner corner of your eyes and your lids.

Mar 16, 2014

Emily W.

I have the same problem, except mine are also dark purple/blue because my skin is basically transparent. Regular concealer just doesn't work because there is a shadow, and adding any kind of highlight looks ridiculous. I hope someone comes up with something in this thread!

Mar 16, 2014

Bry R.

Wayne Goss has a tutorial about this that goes into detail. Like kaleigh said, avoid dark colors and like all the ladies above said, use lighter shimmery colors.

Mar 16, 2014

Andrea P.

Thanks for the help you guys! and yeah Emily I feel your pain /:

Mar 16, 2014

Karen L.

I wouldn't worry if I were you, you have amazing eyes specially Eyelashes!! Just like the ladies said use more shimmery light color eyeshadows & I think your good to go :)))

Mar 16, 2014

Jocelyn S.

Look on YouTube for Jure Chuk's videos. He has a lot of videos on hooded and not so normal eyes. I have deepset eyes and really benefited from his videos. They are a little basic and somewhat low quality but you can tell he really has a passion for makeup and knows what he's doing.

Mar 16, 2014

Sapphire K.

I think your eyes are gorgeous, really. :) I think if you want more proportion, add a medium taupe a bit above the crease, and blend up a shimmery nude from the lashline to the actual crease :)

Mar 16, 2014

Aru T.

I don't have any tip to share...but your eyes are beautiful, and the lashes...very beautiful :) :)

Mar 17, 2014

Stephanie M.

First of all I love your eyes! Second, I too have very deep set eyes. Our very own Jacqueline H. taught me how to do my eye makeup for deep set eyes...hope this helps!!

Mar 17, 2014

Stephanie M.


Mar 17, 2014

Stephanie M.

Here's another