Do mircobead extensions damage your hair?


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Apr 9, 2014

Amy B.

Do mircobead extensions damage your hair? I know they are better the glue but someone told me that they really thin your hair out. Is this true?

Apr 9, 2014

Erin M.

Any type of extensions can be harmful to your hair if you aren't careful about how you care for them and the take down process.

Apr 9, 2014

Lin P.

Extensions are harmful to hair. after I had mine removed however (I got them just to try) my hair bounced right back. that said I only had them in for a few months. I don't know about long term - I wouldn't except for maybe a special occasion….plus if you want good ones they are super expensive to get and maintain (and a huge time suck too).

Apr 10, 2014

Katie C.

Had mine in for 6 months and they didn't damage mine too much as after a good wash and moisturizing oil in was good as new. they did however leave yucky sticky hair balls at the top of ny hair shaft where the bead had been which took aggggggeeeesssss to brush and was out. hasn't put me off though x

Apr 10, 2014

Mary T.

If your hair is fine to begin with yes. It does damage all hair some but I always saw more damage on finer hair.

Apr 10, 2014

Jordan D.

Beaded are the best damage wise, but you might have a hard time finding extensions to match your hair, blonde hair is the hardest to match and the most expensive hair to buy. Find a good reputable stylist for the job and she will be able to help you more.
You might also look into tape or fusion ones, I've heard that the tape ones are easier to sleep in. Lol